
Friday, December 9, 2016

5 Ways to Prevent Sickness During the Holidays

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

The holidays can be a stressful time. Not to mention the weather is more cold and damp than usual. Both of these factors can lead to greater chances of sickness. But by taking preventative measures, you can fight the odds:

 Avoid germy spots
With colder temperatures, you’ll be spending more time indoors. That being said, it’s important to decrease your exposure to germs. Whether at the gym, at the mall, or in your home, there are many germ hotspots. For example, door handles, gym equipment, and ATMs all carry a load of germs.

Don’t spread germs
Prevent spreading germs to friends and family by washing your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20-30 seconds. Remind your children to do so as well. Also, we recommend coughing into your sleeve or elbow rather than your hand, whether you’re sick or not.

Keep stress down
By lowering your stress levels, you’ll increase your chances of staying healthy for the holidays. While you’re busy getting through your holiday to-do list, maintain a healthy diet and sleep well.

Get exercise
Exercising on a regular basis can help prevent stress and lead to a healthier lifestyle. Whether you hop on the treadmill, run around your local track, or take up a yoga class, working out is a natural antidepressant that can keep illness down and happiness up.

Prepare for travel
Airplanes and hotels are filled with germs. Prepare for your holiday vacation by packing sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes, and avoiding public surfaces that can carry germs as well.

If you're feeling under the weather or suffering from sinusitis and allergies this holiday season, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat right away. We offer allergy screening, allergy management and immunotherapy. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE. For more information about our office, visit us on the web.  

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