
Friday, February 12, 2016

Natural Remedies for Sinus Pain

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

If you've ever suffered from sinus pain or pressure, you're probably aware of how uncomfortable it can be. Pain around your eyes, forehead and teeth, post-nasal drip and coughing are just a few symptoms that you may have experienced if you are in fact suffering from sinus pain.

Luckily, there are a few remedies you can try out at home to help relieve symptoms before making an appointment to visit the doctor. Check them out below.

Clear nasal cavity.
One of the most popular remedies to help relieve sinus pain and pressure is to use a neti pot twice a day. The saline solution helps to flush your nasal passage of unwanted mucus and keep it moist. Neti pots can be purchased in your local drugstore.

Drinking water throughout the day is something you should always be doing, however, when your sinuses are acting up it's extremely important. Staying hydrated will help keep your sinuses moist, thin out mucus and drain plugged sinuses. Try to avoid sugary drinks, caffeine and alcohol.

Pump up the steam.
Humidifiers and hot steamy showers can help break up mucus and temporarily help to relieve sinus pain and pressure. Try adding a bit of eucalyptus or menthol to the water to help keep your nasal passage clear.

Eat spicy.
This one may seem silly but simply adding a little bit of horseradish, wasabi or spicy mustard to your soup may help clear your sinuses right out!

Are you suffering from sinus pain? We encourage you to call the Sinus & Facial Plastic Institute. We're the first and only facility in central Florida that is dedicated to the complete medical care of the nose, both cosmetic and functional. Learn more by visiting out website,

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