
Friday, February 26, 2016

Tips To Handle Allergy Symptoms

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Are your allergy sypmtoms driving you crazy? After a while the constant sneezing, sniffling, runny nose and itchy eyes tend to take a toll. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help reduce the irritation and annoyance that are allergy symptoms. Check them out below.

Eat an orange. Oranges are naturally rich in vitamin C, a natural antihistamine. Studies have also linked low levels of vitamin C with allergies. So, if your allergies are acting up, consider taking a vitamin C supplement.

Wash bedding regularly. Washing your bed sheets and blankets every week in hot water is the best way to kill microscopic dust mites that love to make your bed their home.

Keep pets out of your bedroom. We know this one can be extremely tough, however, keeping your bedroom free of pet dander is extremely important (as it can cause allergies). Let the barking and meowing ensue!

Double check dryer vent. Did you know for every load of laundry you do, 19 pounds of moisture has to go somewhere? Crazy! Be sure that your dryer vent is going outside and not to your garage or basement. If it's in fact indoors, this could lead to mould build-up in your home leading to more discomfort.

Clean and declutter. Upkeeping your home is an integral part in dealing with allergies. Be sure to vacuum every room of the house once per week, declutter, keep bathroom free of mold and don't use scented detergents or cleaners.

If you can't seem to get a handle on your allergies, give Dr. Wade Han a call at Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Suery Center. We would be more than happy to setup and appointment for you and have you feeling better in no time! To learn more, visit

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