
Friday, January 29, 2016

Florida ENT Patient Testimonials

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dr. Wade Han and the team at Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery are here to provide our patients with the higest quality personal care and the most advanced technology. Are you interested in giving us a call to learn more about our services? If so, see what some of our previous clients are saying about their experience with us!

"Dr Han - I really didn't know what to expect when I went to your office for a consultation. As you know I've been to several other specialists regarding the problem with my nose. When I met you and your staff I was happy to find myself in a warm and caring environment. You are a brilliant doctor and I am forever grateful for helping me get my confidence back." -P.G.

"Dr. Han & Staff - It has taken me a while to find the words to describe how grateful I am. It is awe inspiring to me to be able to breathe through my nose. After years of sinus infections, constant headaches and restricted breathing, I don't know where to begin. Amazing results aside, you & your associates were the most kind, responsive and professional individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I shopped around for doctors when considering rhinoplasty and your office was the first place I felt comfortable. I truly appreciated the time you took to talk with my parents and I before surgery to help ease our nerves. It was also reassuring to know you were just a phone call away during recovery. Now, roughly five months after surgery, I love my new nose. It not only works correctly, but looks perfect. I believe it is even better than before I broke it. My confidence level is finally growing back and I am no longer hyperconscious of angles when taking pictures. I can also say I have not had a sinus infection or sinus headache since before surgery. Happy does not even begin to describe how I feel about the results and experience. I am ecstatic, relieved, grateful, overwhelmed and joyous about every aspect of having surgery with you. I have already begun singing your praises to my friends and family. I cannot begin to thank you enough for everything you have done for me." -A.R.

"To summarize my experience with Dr. Han in a word: superb! From my initial consultation to weeks after my operation all I ever received from Dr. Han and his staff was a professional and courteousness rarely seen nowadays. And at the same time the team was completely down- to-earth and extremely supportive for what was my first surgical experience. Dr. Han's office sets the standard for what the medical professional experience should be." -J.B.

" I have been suffering with seasonal allergies for years. Multiple times a year I would endure sinus infections and almost weekly, severe headaches. When I went to see Dr. Han, he not only offered me hope of improving my quality of life, he also took the time to explain why I was in pain. Almost 8 months ago, Dr. Han performed sinus surgery on me. Since that time, my headaches have been few and far between and my quality of life has vastly improved. Additionally, I was impressed with my post-surgery recovery. I had very minimal bruising/ swelling, which proved to me, that Dr. Han is not only a great doctor; he is also a highly skilled surgeon! I am extremely pleased with my experience with Dr. Han, and his staff. The entire staff always greeted me by name, and they were very pleasant to work with. I would highly recommend Dr. Han's office as my ENT specialist and plastic surgeon!" -L.D.

Have you had a recent experience with us? Let us know about it on our Facebook page! To learn more about Florida ENT, please visit

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tips to Stay Healthy During Winter

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

While the winter weather for us Floridians isn't nearly as brutal as our friends up north, we still have to take precaution to prevent getting sick throughout the cooler months. Check out a few tips below on how you can stay happy and healthy this winter.

Stay hydrated.
Are you drinking enough water throughout the day? Staying hydrated is an extremely important part of staying healthy. Consider carrying a refillable water bottle with you daily.

Consume a healthy diet.
Another great way to stay healthy is by consuming a healthy and balanced diet. Be sure to get in your fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins!

Exercise daily.
One of the best parts about living in Florida is that the weather is almost always perfect to get outdoors for some exercise. Whether you choose to take a quick walk, run, jog or bike ride, get your 15-30 minutes of exercise in daily.

Keep stress to a minimum.
Although this one isn't always easy, stress can take a toll on your health. Keep stress to a minimum by partaking in activities you enjoy and spending quality time with loved ones.

Get the right amount of sleep.
Are you getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night? We hope so! Sleep is an integral part of staying healthy and fighting any illness.

Keep your hands clean.
This one we're sure you hear all the time, however, clean hands are a huge part of staying healthy and washing away bacteria and viruses. Whether you're at work, school or out running errands, be sure to always wash your hands a few times throughout the day and consider carrying hand sanitizer with you if you are unable to access soap and water. 

We hope those tips help keep away the colds this winter! For more information about Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery, please visit

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Relieving Winter Congestion

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

From sinus infections and runny noses, to colds and the flu, winter is well known for taking a toll on health. Don't let winter illnesses get you down! There are several ways to get relief that will have you feeling better in no time!

Pump up the steam.
If your sinuses and nose are plugged, head for the shower! The steam from a hot shower can help alleviate congestion.

Know your nose.
If you find that the inside of your nose is dry and causing you discomfort, it's time to moisten and flush out your nostrils. To do so, you can purchase saline spray and unscented alcohol free body lotion and apply a little bit into your nostrils to loosen things up. Another way to relieve your symptoms is by purchasing a neti pot and doing a complete flush!

Snooze this way.
Did you know gravity can help with decongesting? It's true! Sleeping with your nose elevated above your heart will allow decongestion to happen on it's own. Time to fix those pillows!

Hydrate day and night.
Do you wake up with an extremely dry mouth in the middle of the night or morning? If so, you may need to think about purchasing a humidifier. This is the best way to keep your nose and throat hydrated throughout the night. However, hydrating by drinking water throughout the day is still just as important!

If you still find yourself suffering from winter congestion, contact Florida Ear Nose Throat to schedule an appointment! You will be on your way to feeling better in no time. We can be reached by calling 877-EAR-NOSE.

Allergy Screening

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Do you think you have an allergy to a certain food or medication? It's extremely likely that that could be the case. Here at Florida Ear Nose Throat, there are a few ways we can identify allergens.

If you suspect that you may be allergic to something, we encourage you to make an appointment with us for an allergy screening test as soon as possible to avoid any further reactions.

We have a few different tests available for our patients to identify allergies. These tests include blood tests and skin tests.

For more information, please visit our website or call 407-944-3340.