
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tips to Stay Healthy During Winter

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

While the winter weather for us Floridians isn't nearly as brutal as our friends up north, we still have to take precaution to prevent getting sick throughout the cooler months. Check out a few tips below on how you can stay happy and healthy this winter.

Stay hydrated.
Are you drinking enough water throughout the day? Staying hydrated is an extremely important part of staying healthy. Consider carrying a refillable water bottle with you daily.

Consume a healthy diet.
Another great way to stay healthy is by consuming a healthy and balanced diet. Be sure to get in your fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins!

Exercise daily.
One of the best parts about living in Florida is that the weather is almost always perfect to get outdoors for some exercise. Whether you choose to take a quick walk, run, jog or bike ride, get your 15-30 minutes of exercise in daily.

Keep stress to a minimum.
Although this one isn't always easy, stress can take a toll on your health. Keep stress to a minimum by partaking in activities you enjoy and spending quality time with loved ones.

Get the right amount of sleep.
Are you getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night? We hope so! Sleep is an integral part of staying healthy and fighting any illness.

Keep your hands clean.
This one we're sure you hear all the time, however, clean hands are a huge part of staying healthy and washing away bacteria and viruses. Whether you're at work, school or out running errands, be sure to always wash your hands a few times throughout the day and consider carrying hand sanitizer with you if you are unable to access soap and water. 

We hope those tips help keep away the colds this winter! For more information about Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery, please visit

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