
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Can Allergies Go Away on Their Own?

Allergic reactions happen when you’re exposed to a substance your immune system mistakenly believes is harmful. Your body reacts and begins to try and prepare an attack on the intruder, but instead, your body starts to release chemicals that cause a reaction inside your body against yourself. These reactions are better known as allergy symptoms. The most common symptoms are be sniffling, coughing, itchy eyes, itchy skin, a scratchy throat, redness, skin rashes, etc. There are many ways to overcome allergies, and sometimes your allergies may even go away on their own. Read the following tips on how to help alleviate your allergies:

Outgrowing Your Allergies

Allergies can be developed in both young children and infants. Over time, these childhood allergies can get worse, although sometimes they can completely disappear. There’s no scientific reason known as to why allergies can sometimes disappear, but as children grow and develop so do their immune systems. Your body's level of sensitivity can vary over time. Just like our eyes adapt and dilate based on the light, our bodies can grow accustomed to certain allergens, and the chemical reactions we have to those allergens lessen and may disappear. In some cases, allergies can reappear just as quickly as they disappeared.

Changing Your Diet

There are natural remedies available to help alleviate allergy symptoms. Here are a few suggestions:

  • If you’re sneezing and your eyes are watering, try picking up some sweet honey at a local farmer’s market. Consuming honey created from local flowers will help your immune system acclimate to those local pollens.
  • Eat those hot wings. Increasing your spice intake can help break up congestion fluids and move mucus along in your system. Adding some hot sauce into your diet can help clear up your airways.
  • Fire up the grill, and cook up some salmon or haddock. Omega-3 fatty acids contain EPA, which helps fight as an anti-inflammatory. Consuming more fish with Omega-3’s can help reduce your symptoms.

If you're suffering from allergies, we also encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat. We offer allergy screening, allergy management, and immunotherapy. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE.

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