
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Analog Hearing Aids vs. Digital Hearing Aids

When selecting the best hearing aid for you, there are many options. So how do you know which option to choose? Regardless of style or placement in your ear, there are two main ways that hearing aids can work. They can either be analog or digital. Both types of hearing aids run on batteries, with the distinct difference between the two is they use different types of technology to deliver sound. We’ll walk through the benefits of each here on our blog.

Analog Hearing Aid

These are the first hearing aids, developed in the early 1900s. They used to be the only type available until digital hearing aids were released in the mid-1990s. These original hearing aids convert sound waves into electrical signals which are then amplified and transmitted back to the ear. These hearing aids can be made custom to any ear, and the noise transmission can be altered based on different environments. Some individuals prefer analog hearing aids because they generally are more affordable, and can be more powerful than digital hearing aids. There is, however, sometimes a cracking or popping noise that can occur with these hearing aids. Depending on the user’s preferences, they might prefer this sound over the digital hearing aid option.

Digital Hearing Aid

Digital aids do not use electrical signals, but instead function by converting sound waves into numerical codes and then amplifying them. One benefit of using a digital hearing aid is that the sounds waves and amplification can be controlled more specifically, and the hearing aid can be programmed to focus on sounds coming in from specific directions. However, because of this process, some also say that the digital noise transmitted in their hearing aid can be more difficult to understand than that of an analog hearing aid. It can be less clear depending on their typical environment and overall preferences. One of the significant benefits of digital hearing aids is the customization and flexibility of sound transmissions which may be the selling point for some users.

Regardless of which type of hearing aid you choose, your hearing aid should be comfortable and altered based on your hearing preferences. Most hearing aid brands offer 30-60 day trial periods so you can test the differences between options and choose the best fit for you and your life. Be sure to consult with your doctor to help make the right choice. Hearing aids can be a very beneficial investment and can improve the quality of life and increase the ability to communicate and socialize for all individuals. If you have questions regarding hearing aids or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us at 877-EAR-NOSE today.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Can Allergies Go Away on Their Own?

Allergic reactions happen when you’re exposed to a substance your immune system mistakenly believes is harmful. Your body reacts and begins to try and prepare an attack on the intruder, but instead, your body starts to release chemicals that cause a reaction inside your body against yourself. These reactions are better known as allergy symptoms. The most common symptoms are be sniffling, coughing, itchy eyes, itchy skin, a scratchy throat, redness, skin rashes, etc. There are many ways to overcome allergies, and sometimes your allergies may even go away on their own. Read the following tips on how to help alleviate your allergies:

Outgrowing Your Allergies

Allergies can be developed in both young children and infants. Over time, these childhood allergies can get worse, although sometimes they can completely disappear. There’s no scientific reason known as to why allergies can sometimes disappear, but as children grow and develop so do their immune systems. Your body's level of sensitivity can vary over time. Just like our eyes adapt and dilate based on the light, our bodies can grow accustomed to certain allergens, and the chemical reactions we have to those allergens lessen and may disappear. In some cases, allergies can reappear just as quickly as they disappeared.

Changing Your Diet

There are natural remedies available to help alleviate allergy symptoms. Here are a few suggestions:

  • If you’re sneezing and your eyes are watering, try picking up some sweet honey at a local farmer’s market. Consuming honey created from local flowers will help your immune system acclimate to those local pollens.
  • Eat those hot wings. Increasing your spice intake can help break up congestion fluids and move mucus along in your system. Adding some hot sauce into your diet can help clear up your airways.
  • Fire up the grill, and cook up some salmon or haddock. Omega-3 fatty acids contain EPA, which helps fight as an anti-inflammatory. Consuming more fish with Omega-3’s can help reduce your symptoms.

If you're suffering from allergies, we also encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat. We offer allergy screening, allergy management, and immunotherapy. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Are Facelifts for Men or Women?

It’s common to hear that women prefer plastic surgery, or that plastic surgery is just for women. But that’s just not true. Facial plastic surgery can benefit both of the sexes, and getting a facelift doesn’t mean it makes someone more or less “manly.” In fact, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of men who received a facelift over a 5-year period, starting in 2010, increased by 44%! It’s becoming more and more common and overall acceptable by society for both genders to benefit from facial plastic surgery.

Benefits of a Facelift

The overall benefits of a facelift do not vary between men and women. For anyone with ongoing sinusitis, breathing issues, or with a deviated septum, a rhinoplasty surgery may be recommended. Not only would a rhinoplasty be performed for the benefit of appearance, but also help the individual’s overall quality of life. Secondly, eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty not only can decrease the appearance of wrinkles and sagging eyelids but can also help improve peripheral vision is some patients. Of course, these facial plastic surgeries can also be performed strictly for cosmetic reasons, but the benefits do not differ between men and women.


As plastic surgery and facelift technology was introduced years ago, people have always had some doubt about the effectiveness and duration of procedures. Facial plastic surgery techniques and technology have advanced so much over the years, and with so many case studies and results, we can accurately understand both the effectiveness and duration of most procedures. Of course, every individual is different and may see different results and effectiveness, but overall we have a good gauge and average of what to expect. If you have any concerns at all, please reach out to us! Every one of our physicians is board-certified and specially trained in their area of expertise. We have completed work on both men and women, and are familiar with the differences and esthetics between both genders.

We encourage all of our patients to read up and understand educational materials before electing to continue with any facial plastic surgery. We believe education is an integral part of the services we provide. If you have any questions or concerns at all, we are here to help! Contact us at 877-EAR-NOSE, or visit our website to contact us today.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Five Commons Problems Using a CPAP Machine and How to Avoid Them

Receiving a CPAP machine might be daunting, but don’t worry, they’re a very common treatment for sleep apnea. There are many adjustments and changes you can make to find just the right fit and comfort for you. If you’re suffering or experiencing any of the following issues with your CPAP machine, check out our tips and tricks below:

1. Wrong Size Mask

This is a widespread issue people mention when first using a CPAP machine. They don’t feel like the mask is right for them, and that it doesn’t fit their face correctly.


There are many different sizes of masks available, different manufacturers, and various accessories to add to your mask. If you’re experiencing air leaks, try adding a gel nasal pad. Sometimes adding a lubricant can reduce the number of leaks and can also help a mask feel snugger and minimize friction if the mask is rubbing and moving. Your doctor is also happy to help you determine the best fit and size for you.

2. Difficulty Falling Asleep

Another common issue for new and veteran CPAP users may have difficulty falling asleep. Some people complain of the noise, the comfort level, and others can’t stand the thought of having to wear their CPAP machine every single night.


It’s entirely normal to have these feelings. If the noise of your machine is keeping you awake, there may need to be an adjustment made with your tubes or the machine itself. Your CPAP machine should be silent and not noticeable. Sometimes your air pressure might be too low, or too high, and may affect your sleep. Be sure to ask your doctor and supplier about the best settings for you. If you do become frustrated with wearing your CPAP day after day, remember the reasons why you were prescribed in the first place. Ultimately, the machine will help you feel better and sleep better, and can even alleviate other health problems you’ve been experiencing.

3. Skin Irritation or Sores

Sometimes after a good night’s rest, your CPAP mask may have irritated your skin, left bruises, or sores. If fitted properly, your mask should not be leaving you with any discomfort in the morning. If you start to experience these issues, there is a solution.


If you’ve been wearing your CPAP mask for some time now and just recently starting feeling sore and irritated in the mornings, your mask cushion might have simply worn it. It may be time to replace your mask and the face and or nose cushion to alleviate your pain. However, if you are a new CPAP patient, you should consult with your doctor and perhaps your CPAP supplier. There is a good chance your mask simply is not fitted properly.

4. Feeling Claustrophobic

Wearing a mask over your nose and mouth can be nerve-wracking at first. Many people feel anxiety and claustrophobic as they’re getting used to wearing their mask. These feelings and concerns will subside over time as you grow accustomed and used to your mask and machine. Remember, the machine is there to help you!


If you don’t attempt and commit to wearing your mask, you’ll never give yourself the chance to grow accustomed to it. CPAP is a type of sleep therapy, so keep that in mind as you work on feeling more relaxed and comfortable with using the mask to assist your sleep. Practice wearing your mask during the day or in front of the TV, in a relaxed area before you try to sleep with it on. Try taking naps with your mask on, too. If you’re having trouble adjusting to the air pressure, you can consult with your doctor about starting off at a lower air pressure and working your way up to the proper level.

5. Dry Mouth

Sometimes we hear from patients that they wake up with a dry mouth, or dry throat after a night using their CPAP machine.


You might experience a dry mouth or throat in the morning if your CPAP machine’s humidification settings or temperature is off. Make sure that your machine is using both warm and moist air, which should help alleviate any dryness you’re experiencing in the morning. Sometimes, you might be breathing too much from your mouth, or you might need to add in some nasal sprays or oral rinses to your morning routine. There are also attachments and accessories available to help you breathe less from your mouth and more from your nose.

For more information, please call us today at 877-EAR-NOSE to schedule an appointment.