
Friday, April 13, 2018

Why Do I Still Get Ear Infections...As an Adult?

Ear infections are something that only children are supposed to get right? Wrong. Unfortunately, some adults still find themselves suffering from ear infections. There are several risk factors that make some adults more prone to getting ear infections.

Weakened Immune System

Having a weakened immune system increases your likelihood of getting sick, allowing for a greater chance to get an ear infection. When you get sick, your sinuses clog which leads to a fluid buildup in the Eustachian tube. The accumulation of fluid in your Eustachian tubes then becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, causing infection.


Smoking isn’t normally associated with ear problems, but it does take a toll on your auditory system. The more you smoke, the greater the chance of getting an ear infection. Smoke irritates the ear’s Eustachian tubes, causing them to swell. The swelling hampers the Eustachian tubes of its primary role, pressure equalization, which then causes fluid to build up. This results in an infection.

Cotton Swabs

While it might seem like a good idea to use a cotton swab to get the wax out of the ear, it does more harm than good. The ear needs wax to prevent dirt and debris from getting into the ear canal. Using a cotton swab not only removes some of the good wax, but it also pushes the remaining wax further down the ear canal. The wax then attracts bacteria and debris, creating a safe haven for a bacterial infection.

It’s Not an Ear Infection

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is where stress on the jaw joint causes pain. TMJ is often associated with ear pain and mimics the symptoms of an ear infection. There are a few distinguishing characteristics that differentiate TMJ from an ear infection.  If you are also experiencing pain while chewing or have a toothache, this could be a result of TMJ.

If you believe you’re suffering from recurring ear infections as an adult, contact Dr. Han at Florida ENT. Utilizing the latest advances in medicine and state-of-the-art techniques, our goal is to treat our patients with comfort and compassion. To learn more about the services we provide, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE!

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