
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing at a Concert

Who doesn’t love going to go a concert to enjoy live music by your favorite artist? Most of us want to hear the music loud and clear, but listening to music at high decibels for a long period of time can lead to tinnitus or even impair your hearing permanently.

The ears are a fragile part of the body and can be damaged very easily. When you are exposed to noise at a high decibel level for an extended period of time, hair cells within the ear are at risk to get damaged.  Once hair cells are damaged, they cannot be repaired and eventually die off.

You can still enjoy going to concerts, but we recommend taking these preventative measures to protect your hearing.

Tips to Avoid Hearing Damage

Here are five tips to survive dangerous levels of noise while attending a concert:

1.       Wear Protection – Carry along earplugs that allow you to hear the music, but block out sound at harmful levels.
2.       Avoid Front Row Viewing - Getting up close is fun, but it will also put you closer to the speakers. Enjoy the music farther back in the venue at a safer sound level.
3.       Check the Decibels – There are apps available to download that allow you to check the decibel level. Listening to sound louder than 85 decibels for an extended period of time can cause hearing damage.
4.       Take Breaks – Taking a minute break during a concert will give your ears a rest and can help to prevent permanent hearing damage.
5.       Enjoy Music Outside - Whenever possible, enjoy concerts outside. Sound vibrations are trapped within a confined space when music is played indoors.


If you’re concerned about your hearing after attending a concert, set up an appointment with your Orlando ear nose throat doctor at Florida ENT today! Offices serving Orlando and Kissimmee.

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