
Friday, March 23, 2018

What Causes You to Lose Your Voice?

Do you ever wake up with a sore throat and go to talk, but only a whisper comes out? The most common culprit for voice loss is laryngitis. Laryngitis causes the vocal cords in our voice box to become swollen and inflamed, which restricts our ability to speak in a normal voice. Symptoms include throat pain, difficulty talking, hoarseness, and a persistent cough.

There are two kinds of laryngitis that can occur, acute laryngitis and chronic laryngitis.

Acute Laryngitis

Acute laryngitis occurs abruptly, has no long-term consequences, and often resolves itself without treatment. It is the more common form of laryngitis and is usually caused by:

·         Strain - Happens from overuse or yelling
·         Viral Infection - Caused by a cold that lingers, making the vocal cords swell

Chronic Laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis happens when symptoms last for longer than three weeks and can be caused by:

·         Acid Reflux - A condition where acid from your stomach moves back up into your throat and irritate the lining of your food pipe. This can take a huge toll on the vocal cords.
·         Smoking - Smoke and chemicals being inhaled can cause damage to the vocal cords.
·         Allergies - Seasonal changes and household allergies such as dandruff can cause the vocal cord to become inflamed.
·         Drinking Alcohol Heavily - produces an irritant inflames the larynx


Here are some quick tips to prevent you from losing your voice:

·         Give up smoking
·         Keep hydrated
·         Avoid spicy foods
·         Limit alcohol consumption

If you are continually losing your voice, set up an appointment with your Orlando ear nose throat doctor at Florida ENT today! Offices serving Orlando and Kissimmee.

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