
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Signs That Could Indicate Your Child Needs a Hearing Test

Your child's hearing is one of the most important things you should look out for as a parent. Being able to hear is crucial to a child's development, particularly in communication. A child can only speak what he or she can hear, and often, poor hearing causes problems later in life.

There are some hearing loss signs that could warrant a visit to the ENT. In this post, we will be looking into the top 3 signs that your child may be in need of a hearing test.

1. Unable to localize sound

Most of us look to a direction when we hear something that startles us. A loud banging on the door, somebody shouting, or the TV blaring. The first sign that your child may be experiencing problems hearing is when he or she fails to localize where the sound came from. If there seems to be no expression of shock or finding the source of the sound, it can indicate a hearing problem.

2. Doesn't respond when name is called

Another important hearing milestone is when a child looks when his or her name is called. You can test this by going to a side where your child can't see you (but can most likely hear you) and using a normal intensity voice to call his or her name. If there is no response to their name being called, this may indicate a problem.  Visit your local ENT for a hearing test.

3. Complaining of a hearing problem after an infection

This situation is applicable to older kids. If your child has recently suffered from otitis media or swimmer's ear, a mild case of hearing loss should show signs of recovery in a few days. However, if your child complains of a muffled sound or ringing in the ears after an extended period of time, you may need to seek the help of a professional.

Hearing loss is a major problem that needs immediate attention. If you are in need of a consultation, kindly visit Florida ENT for ear, nose, throat and cosmetic services.

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