
Friday, March 23, 2018

What Causes You to Lose Your Voice?

Do you ever wake up with a sore throat and go to talk, but only a whisper comes out? The most common culprit for voice loss is laryngitis. Laryngitis causes the vocal cords in our voice box to become swollen and inflamed, which restricts our ability to speak in a normal voice. Symptoms include throat pain, difficulty talking, hoarseness, and a persistent cough.

There are two kinds of laryngitis that can occur, acute laryngitis and chronic laryngitis.

Acute Laryngitis

Acute laryngitis occurs abruptly, has no long-term consequences, and often resolves itself without treatment. It is the more common form of laryngitis and is usually caused by:

·         Strain - Happens from overuse or yelling
·         Viral Infection - Caused by a cold that lingers, making the vocal cords swell

Chronic Laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis happens when symptoms last for longer than three weeks and can be caused by:

·         Acid Reflux - A condition where acid from your stomach moves back up into your throat and irritate the lining of your food pipe. This can take a huge toll on the vocal cords.
·         Smoking - Smoke and chemicals being inhaled can cause damage to the vocal cords.
·         Allergies - Seasonal changes and household allergies such as dandruff can cause the vocal cord to become inflamed.
·         Drinking Alcohol Heavily - produces an irritant inflames the larynx


Here are some quick tips to prevent you from losing your voice:

·         Give up smoking
·         Keep hydrated
·         Avoid spicy foods
·         Limit alcohol consumption

If you are continually losing your voice, set up an appointment with your Orlando ear nose throat doctor at Florida ENT today! Offices serving Orlando and Kissimmee.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Spring Is Here -- 7 Tips to Prepare for Spring Allergy Season

Allergic to pollen? If so, read the following seven tips and be prepared to face spring!

Spring is right around the corner and with it, spring allergy season is sure to follow. Here are seven tips that will get you ready for the season.

Tip #1: Exercise Indoors

For those who spend a lot of time exercising outside, change your routine. Exercise in your home or head to your local gym or recreation center.

Tip #2: Change Your Air Filters

Replace the air filters in your house before allergy season hits to keep your home free of allergens.

Tip #3: Wear Sunglasses

Wearing large sunglasses when your outside can block some of the pollen from sneaking into your eyes and eyelids.

Tip #4: Change Your Clothes

Pollen and mold spores can cling to clothing. As soon as you get home, take off your shoes and change your clothing to help prevent an allergy attack.

Tip #5: Consider Wearing a Mask

Mowing the grass or working in the garden can cause your allergies to kick in. Wear a surgical mask while working in the yard to lower your contact with allergy instigators.

Tip #6: Use Saline to Clear Your Nose

Try a saline rinse if you are experiencing an allergy attack. A saline nasal spray is an effective and affordable way to clear your sinuses.

Tip #7: See an Allergist

Make an appointment with Florida ENT to see the best way to manage your allergies in this spring.

Our team understands how serious allergies can be and we work hard to help our patients manage the way they deal with allergens. We are determined to help you overcome the yearly allergy season.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Signs That Could Indicate Your Child Needs a Hearing Test

Your child's hearing is one of the most important things you should look out for as a parent. Being able to hear is crucial to a child's development, particularly in communication. A child can only speak what he or she can hear, and often, poor hearing causes problems later in life.

There are some hearing loss signs that could warrant a visit to the ENT. In this post, we will be looking into the top 3 signs that your child may be in need of a hearing test.

1. Unable to localize sound

Most of us look to a direction when we hear something that startles us. A loud banging on the door, somebody shouting, or the TV blaring. The first sign that your child may be experiencing problems hearing is when he or she fails to localize where the sound came from. If there seems to be no expression of shock or finding the source of the sound, it can indicate a hearing problem.

2. Doesn't respond when name is called

Another important hearing milestone is when a child looks when his or her name is called. You can test this by going to a side where your child can't see you (but can most likely hear you) and using a normal intensity voice to call his or her name. If there is no response to their name being called, this may indicate a problem.  Visit your local ENT for a hearing test.

3. Complaining of a hearing problem after an infection

This situation is applicable to older kids. If your child has recently suffered from otitis media or swimmer's ear, a mild case of hearing loss should show signs of recovery in a few days. However, if your child complains of a muffled sound or ringing in the ears after an extended period of time, you may need to seek the help of a professional.

Hearing loss is a major problem that needs immediate attention. If you are in need of a consultation, kindly visit Florida ENT for ear, nose, throat and cosmetic services.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Tips to Stop Nosebleeds -- And Fast!

The nose is comprised of a large number of blood vessels and nosebleeds are a very common occurrence in both kids and adults. They can be caused by injury to the nose, picking the nose, an allergy, a dry nasal passage, or hypertension. If you do spot a nosebleed, we suggest that you avoid panicking as a nosebleed is easy to stop without medical assistance. Contact a doctor if you experience a nosebleed that you are unable to stop or there is a large amount of blood.

Stopping a Nosebleed

Here are the steps to take to stop a nosebleed:
  • Sit up straight and lean your head forward slightly 
  • Use your thumb and forefinger to pinch the nose 
  • Press your nose firmly against your face, while breathing through your mouth 
  • Hold your nose for several minutes or until the nosebleed stops 
  • Remain seated and apply an ice pack to your nose to help stop the bleeding faster 
  • Some find relief by spraying a product like Afrin in their nose to stop the bleeding fast 
  • Rest for several minutes

More Tips on Nosebleeds

We also suggest that you refrain from a lot of physical activity after a nosebleed. . Put your feet up, relax, and take a break from whatever you were doing. Refrain from blowing your nose as this may trigger the nosebleed to start up again. If your nose does start to bleed again, use Afrin spray or a generic brand with similar ingredients to stop the nosebleed fast. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information about nosebleeds.