
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Springtime is finally here to stay. And although the newest season brings along budding flowers and warm temperatures, it also brings along dreaded springtime allergies. If you think the only way to manage your symptoms is by taking an antihistamine, think again! Try out a few of these natural remedies to help manage your symptoms.

Sweet honey. 
If pollen has you sneezing and your eyes watering, stop by your local farmers market and pick up raw local honey. Whether you drop some into a hot cup of tea or eat it plain, aim for three to four tablespoons a day.

Did you know sage is a natural antiseptic and astringent? If your throat is scratchy and irritated from your allergies, try soothing it by dropping dried or fresh sage in boiling water, letting it cool and then gargling.

Turn up the heat.
Spices only job isn't to give your food a kick. They can also be used to move mucus and break up fluid that may be causing congestion. If you're suffering from congestion this allergy season, be sure to add some hot sauce to your meals.

If these natural remedies don't work, it may be time to give Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery Center a call. We can be reached by calling 877-EAR-NOSE. For more information on all of our services, visit

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