
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

#TestimonialTuesday: Florida ENT Client Feedback

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Here at Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery, we strive to make each and every one of your encounters with us a pleasant and comfortable one. We are committed to providing you with the best possible care in a friendly, warm, and welcoming environment.

If you're considering scheduling an appointment with us but are unsure of what to expect, check out what some of our past patients are saying about their experience with us!

"I really didn't know what to expect when I went to your office for a consultation. As you know I've been to several other specialists regarding the problem with my nose. When I met you and your staff I was happy to find myself in a warm and caring environment. You are a brilliant doctor and I am forever grateful for helping me get my confidence back. Thank you!" -P.G.

"To summarize my experience with Dr. Han in a word: superb! From my initial consultation to weeks after my operation all I ever received from Dr. Han and his staff was a professional and courteousness rarely seen nowadays. And at the same time the team was completely down- to-earth and extremely supportive for what was my first surgical experience. Dr. Han's office sets the standard for what the medical professional experience should be." -J.B.

"I have been suffering with seasonal allergies for years. Multiple times a year I would endure sinus infections and almost weekly, severe headaches. When I went to see Dr. Han, he not only offered me hope of improving my quality of life, he also took the time to explain why I was in pain. Almost 8 months ago, Dr. Han performed sinus surgery on me. Since that time, my headaches have been few and far between and my quality of life has vastly improved. Additionally, I was impressed with my post-surgery recovery. I had very minimal bruising/ swelling, which proved to me, that Dr. Han is not only a great doctor; he is also a highly skilled surgeon! I am extremely pleased with my experience with Dr. Han, and his staff. The entire staff always greeted me by name, and they were very pleasant to work with. I would highly recommend Dr. Han's office as my ENT specialist and plastic surgeon!" -L.B.

If you have any questions about our office or are interested in making an appointment, please give us a call at 877-EAR-NOSE or visit for more information. To keep up with the latest from our office, be sure to visit our Facebook page

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

5 Most Common Food Allergies

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Food allergies are extremely common and affect most people at one point or another throughout their life. Allergies to food can come in a variety of ways and develop early or later in life. However, there are a couple of foods out there that rank higher than others when it comes to allergies. Check them out below.

One of the most common allergy (especially in children) is milk. Symptoms for a milk allergy include bloating, gas, skin rashes, and hives.

Another allergy that is extremely common is those to peanuts. Not only is this one of the most severe allergic reactions someone can experience, it can lead to throat closure. If you do in fact have an allergy to peanuts, be sure to read all labels carefully.

Did you know shellfish is the most common food allergy among adults? Shellfish allergies tend to surface later in life and can be extremely severe causing symptoms such as rashes, hives, and throat closure.

Eggs are another food that many children are allergic to. However, most eventually grow out of it by age six or so. If you suspect your young child may have an allergy to eggs, it's in their best interest to get them tested right away.
The fifth and final most common food that people are allergic to is fish. Just like shellfish and peanuts, fish allergies can be severe. It's important to be on the lookout while dining out at restaurants as many use gelatin, oils and sauces that contain some sort of fish.

If you suspect that you or your child may be suffering from a good allergy, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat right away. We offer allergy screening, allergy management and immunotherapy. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE. For more information about our office, visit

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Botox Cosmetic Procedures at Florida Ear Nose and Throat

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

We're sure at some point or another you've heard the word "botox" being thrown around but may be unsure of what it exactly is. Botox Cosmetic is a prescription drug that temporarily paralyzes muscles when injected.

Even though Botox was originally used for treating eye and muscle spasms, it's commonly used for cosmetic procedures. Some of those procedures include correcting forehead furrows, frown lines, crow's feet, and skin bands on the neck.

In addition to cosmetic procedures, Botox can be used to treat a number of medical probelms such as excessive sweating, overactive bladder, neck spasms, crossed eyes, chronic back and jaw pain, and migraines.

To learn more about Botox or to schedule your consultation, we encourage you to give us a call at 407-944-3340 or visit our website.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Tips To Handle Seasonal Allergies

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Spring is (finally) here! We're sure throughout the fall and winter months you've daydreamed about warmer days, blooming flowers, and spending time outdoors. However, if you're one of the lucky individuals who suffers from seasonal allergies, you may be dreading the latest season change.

Luckily there are a few things you can do so you can spend your days outside without having to worry about allergies! Check them out below.

Don't let pollen win. 
You will never be able to completely avoid pollen, however you can control it from taking a toll on you.  If you're heading outside, be sure to wear sunglasses and a hat. You should also try and stay indoors with the windows closed when levels are highest, which is usually midday and early afternoon. When you return indoors, taking a quick shower and changing your clothes will help keep irritations to a minimum.

Natural remedies.
If you aren't into medicine, there are a couple of natural remedies available to keep you comfortable when allergy season hits. Vitamin C is is widely available and acts as a natural antihistamine. Taking 500-1000 mg three times per day can help control allergy symptoms. Spices such as cayenne pepper and chili pepper can help to reduce nasal congestion and stuffiness.

Clear nasal passage.
One of the best ways to keep your nasal passage clear is by using a netti pot. The saline solution helps to rid your nostrils of any pollen or mold that may have made their way there and keep it moist. Neti pots can be purchased in your local drugstore.

If you're suffering from seasonal allergies, we can help! Contact Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery today to learn more about our service by calling 877-EAR-NOSE. Additonal information can be found by visiting