
Monday, December 31, 2018

The Top 3 Ways to Clean Your Ears

When was the last time you cleaned your ears — and we mean really cleaned your ears (not just let water fall over them while in the shower)? Despite the fact that your ears help you do everything from hear to balance, they often go uncleaned for days, even weeks at a time. But we say, no more!

1. Damp Cloth

When cleaning the outside of your ear, use a damp cloth to gently wipe dirt, dust, and dead skin from the surface. A warm damp cloth is ideal to help remove buildup from the front and back exterior surface of your ear.

2. Over-The-Counter Ear Wax Softener

Invest in an over-the-counter earwax softener if you believe your ear is suffering from wax build up. Over-the-counter earwax software helps to break up stubborn earwax that is deep or lodged in the ear canal, making it easier to remove. Using over-the-counter earwax softener is optimal if you are unable to rid the earwax on your own or if it is becoming increasingly difficult to hear. Plugged ear canals can also signal the need for over-the-counter earwax softener.

3. Visit a Specialist

When you want clean ears but you are unsure of how to go about doing so on your own, visit an ENT specialist. Visiting an ENT specialist for clean ears not only provides you with the necessary care and procedures, but also with valuable insight regarding proper care for your earwax buildup in the future.

What about Cotton Swabs?

While many people believe that using cotton swabs to clean their ears is a proper method, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Using cotton swabs can cause your eardrum to rupture due to increased and intense pressure inside of the ear. Additionally, cotton swabs tend to push earwax even further into the ear, making it more difficult to hear and clean properly.

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