
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Dos and Don’ts of Good Ear Health

When it comes to physical health, ear health tends to take a back seat to things like your heart, lungs, stomach, and muscles. But when you think about all that your ears do, it’s crazy that we don’t all try to take better care of them. In addition to being the reason why you can hear the world around you, your ears are also responsible for balance.

If you want to improve on your ear health (and who doesn’t!) we’ve got a few simple dos and don’t you should follow.


  • Use earplugs or noise-canceling headphones any time you’re around loud noises. 
  • Follow medication labels, Some common, over the counter medications can contribute to hearing loss if taken too often. 
  • Keep your ears dry. Excessive moisture is all that bacteria needs in order to grow. 
  • Stay active. We all know exercise is good for your heart, lungs, and muscles, but it’s also necessary for good ear health. Cardio exercises (like running, walking, and swimming) pump blood to your ears and help keep them healthy. 
  • Get regular checkups with a specialist. Because hearing loss is very gradual, you may not realize how poor your hearing has become over the years. Regular visits with an ENT will help keep everything in check. 


  • Turn the volume on your electronics all the way up. 
  • Use cotton swabs. Their thin shape might make them seem like the ideal solution for cleaning your ears, but cotton swabs are the cause of thousands of busted ear drums every year. 
  • Leave your ears exposed in the cold. 
  • Let your stress levels get too high. A little bit of stress is normal, but too much is bad for all aspects of your physical health, including our ears. Very high levels of stress have even been known to cause “phantom ringing” — a high pitch noise only you can hear. 

If you have any questions about our office or are interested in making an appointment, please give us a call at 877-EAR-NOSE or visit us online for more information. To keep up with the latest from our office, be sure to visit our Facebook page.

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