
Monday, November 19, 2018

10 Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Airports, train stations, bus stops, and fuel stations are never more crowded than around the holidays season. If you’ll be traveling to a loved one’s house for the holidays this year, you’ve probably got things like food and presents on your mind, but have you stopped to think about health?

Why Traveling Negatively Affects Your Health 

  • The number of people you’re near drastically increases. Bottom line is that more people = more germs. 
  • Your sleep schedule is off. Waking up at 4 a.m. for a 6 a.m. flight can have serious effects on your circadian rhythm. 
  • Your diet is different (and usually different in a bad way). Fast food and car snacks do not a healthy diet make. 

10 Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling 

  1. Get to sleep early and try to sleep as often as you can. 
  2. Stay hydrated by always carrying a reusable water bottle. 
  3. Once you get to your (hopefully sunny) destination, don’t forget to put sunscreen on! Even if you’re going somewhere cold, you should still put a small amount of sunscreen on your face every day. 
  4. If you do have to buy food on the go, stick with healthier options, like wraps, salads, and granola bars. 
  5. Set an alarm to remind you to take any important medications you may have forgotten about. 
  6. Keep your alcohol intake to a minimum while on holiday. 
  7. Wash your hands several times a day — after you go to the bathroom, before you eat, and anytime you pass a sink. 
  8. Find easy ways to workout while away, like walking and hiking. 
  9. Stimulate your mind while you travel by reading, learning another language, writing, or listening to music. 
  10. Pack a small first aid kit with you. Make sure it has bandages, bacitracin, hand sanitizer, ibuprofen in it. 

Another great way to make sure you’re ready for your travels? Have your ENT health checked! If you have any questions about our office or are interested in making an appointment, please give us a call at 877-EAR-NOSE or visit us online for more information. To keep up with the latest from our office, be sure to visit our Facebook page.

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