
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Allergy Kit Must-Haves

It’s hard to enjoy the blossoming trees and budding flowers when they’re the cause of your itchy, watering eyes and sneezing fits. But rejoice! With an allergy kit, you can keep your allergies under control and enjoy the great outdoors all season long. Before you head out for the day, make sure you always have these few items in your bag.

Eye Drops 

When allergies leave your eyes red and irritated, lubricated eye drops or artificial tears can help soothe your eyes. But, eye drops won’t only make your eyes feel better, they’ll actually help clean and protect them as well.


Congestion is caused by a number of factors, like swelling, an overproduction of mucus, and narrowing of your nasal passage. A decongestant will help shrink swollen nasal tissue and open up your sinuses.

Nasal Spray

If you suffer from the opposite of congestion — ie: dry nose — than you should always have nasal spray on hand. But don't rely on sprays too much, as many sprays can actually make your symptoms worse if used for more than three days in a row.


If blowing your nose all day has left you with dry skin around your nose and mouth, throw some lotion on it. Just make sure the lotion you choose is dye and scent-free.

Your Inhaler

Allergies can exacerbate asthma symptoms, causing people to have more frequent, or more intense asthma attacks during allergy season.

Injectable Epinephrine (Epipen) 

If your allergies are so severe that they’re life threatening (this is more common with food allergies, but can still apply to some seasonal allergies) your doctor may prescribe you an epipen. Even when you're not at risk for an allergy attack, you should always have your epipen close by and know how to use it properly.

If you're suffering from allergies this spring or summer, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat. We offer the most advanced allergy screening, allergy management, and immunotherapy treatments available. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE!  

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