
Monday, May 1, 2017

Programmable Hearing Aids Can Improve Sound Quality

Coming to terms with hearing loss can often be difficult. Denial is one of the main reasons people suffering from hearing loss rarely seek treatment. In America, nearly 15 percent of the population (48 million people) suffer from some degree of hearing loss. However, out of that 15 percent, less than 10 percent will be treated.

Florida ENT Programmable Hearing Aids Can Improve Sound Quality

Despite what most people think, difficulty hearing does not only affect your ability to communicate, it can also increase your risk of dementia, depression, and falling.

Because of this, raising awareness of cost-friendly, programmable hearing aids is important now more than ever. Programmable hearing aids are much different than typical hearing aids. Traditional hearing aids would do nothing more than amplify sound — all sound. This was more troublesome than helpful to many people who needed a more customized approach. That is what programmable hearing aids now offer.      

The benefits of programmable hearing aids:
  • Their batteries last much longer. Some devices have batteries that can last for as long as 4 years without ever needing to be replaced or recharged.
  • The technology is newer and more advanced.
  • Sound can be amplified or softened at the touch of a button.
  • The device can recognize and understand different situations (like being in a restaurant, concert, or church service) and self-adjust how the user perceives sounds.

Hearing loss can be caused by a number of things, however the most common causes are:
  • Old age.
  • Frequent and consistent exposure to loud noises.
  • Chronic ear infections.
  • Head or inner ear trauma.
  • A virus or disease.

At Florida ENT, we are committed to helping patients who suffer from hearing loss and inner ear damage. Utilizing the latest advances in medicine and state-of-the-art techniques, our goal is to treat our patients with comfort and compassion. To learn more about the services we provide, please call us today at 407-944-3340 to schedule an appointment.

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