
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Why Are Teens Experiencing Premature Hearing Loss?

When we think of hearing loss, we tend to think of it as a condition that primarily affects the elderly. In reality, illness, genetics, medications, and injury can cause hearing loss in people of all ages. But recently, hearing loss among teens has been on the rise. The main reason for this? Loud music and improper headphone use. Teenagers notoriously listen to loud music, and it appears as though it’s actually causing them to suffer some amount of hearing loss.
Florida ENT Why Are Teens Experiencing Premature Hearing Loss

Fast Facts: Hearing Loss in Teens
  • 1 in 6 U.S. teens shows signs of hearing loss.
  • 46% of teens aged 13-19 reported experiencing ringing, buzzing, roaring, or pain in their ears after being around loud noises (ie: loud music, outdoor power tools, concerts, etc.).
  • 9 in 10 teenagers engage in activities that put them at risk for hearing loss.

How to Identify Hearing Loss
If you think you’re suffering from hearing loss, ask yourself these few questions:
  1. Am I having trouble hearing other people’s voices?
  2. Do I frequently have to ask others to repeat themselves?
  3. Do others tell me to lower the volume when watching TV or listening to the radio?
  4. Do I ever miss parts of a conversation?

How to Protect Your Ears From Noise Damage
  • Use high-quality headphones that are better able to transmit bass.
  • Go into your music device’s "settings" and lower your max volume so that you can’t accidentally raise your volume too high.
  • Ask others around you to tell you if they can hear your music. If they can hear it, it means it’s too loud.
  • Only listen to music for 60 minutes at a time. After every hour, take a 20 minute break.
  • Wear earplugs when you go to concerts or sporting events.

Hearing loss affects people at any age. If you believe you’re suffering from hearing loss, contact Dr. Han at Florida ENT. Utilizing the latest advances in medicine and state-of-the-art techniques, our goal is to treat our patients with comfort and compassion. To learn more about the services we provide, please call us today at 407-944-3340 to schedule an appointment.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

5 Home Remedies for Tonsillitis

You don’t realize how often you swallow until you have a sore throat. If you have tonsillitis, something as simple as swallowing can suddenly become incredibly painful and frustrating.

Tonsillitis is an inflammatory virus that infects the tissue in your tonsils — two small, oval shaped bumps in the back of your throat. Tonsillitis can be caused by either a bacteria or a virus. If the infection is bacterial, you’re one of the lucky ones. Antibiotics can cure bacterial tonsillitis in just a few days. If the infection is viral, your body will fight it off on it’s own. But that means you’ll be stuck with a sore throat for a few extra days.

If tonsillitis has your throat feeling irritated and dry, here are a few natural ways to soothe it.

Water. Drinking plenty of fluids is the best way to flush a virus out of your system. But when you’re not feeling well, it can be tempting to turn to sugary drinks as a way of staying hydrated. The sugar in sodas and energy drinks will irritate your throat way more than help it — so steer clear of them.

Warm tea. When you think of a sore throat, you probably also think of tea. Slippery elm tea is one of the best options because it has a gel-like substance called mucilage that will coat your throat and tonsils.

Licorice root. Licorice root has been used for years to treat inflamed and sore throats. The best way to take advantage of licorice root is to add it to water and gargle with it, or dissolve it in tea.

Raw honey. Honey will do more than just soothe your throat, it may actually help cure you faster. Some studies have shown that honey has natural inhibitory effects on many species of bacteria. Whether you decide to mix honey into your tea or just eat it straight, make sure to keep honey nearby!

Salt and water. It’s definitely not the best tasting remedy on this list, but it will get the job done. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of salt with one cup of warm water and gargle it for 30 seconds. Salt will alleviate some of the swelling and scrub away any mucus lingering in your throat.

If these natural remedies just aren’t cutting it or the pain worsens, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at our Sinus & Facial Plastics Institute. With locations in Orlando and Kissimmee Florida, we’re dedicated to the complete medical care of your nose and throat, both cosmetically and functionally. To learn more about our sinus institute, give us a call at 407-944-3340.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Testimonial Spotlight: Florida ENT Reviews Throughout the Year

When it comes to our practice, treating ear, nose, and throat problems is really only half of our job. The other half is making sure you have the most pleasant, enjoyable experience possible! No matter the reason, going to any doctor can be nerve-wracking — that’s why Dr. Han and his staff are dedicated to providing the best patient care possible. But don’t take our word for it, take our patient’s!


“Staff was quick and very friendly. Dr. Wade Han was very detailed and was a very nice person. He was interested in what was wrong. I am very happy that my family has an ENT that could see me quick and is someone I trust here in Orlando.” - Raymond S.

“The visit was great. I found Dr. Wade Han to be a champion and a compassionate health care provider. It was a pleasure not waiting endlessly, since the doctor came into the examination room immediately.” - Caren R.

“The staff was very friendly, warm, and welcoming. They were very understanding of my situation and took the time to figure out a diagnosis that other doctors couldn't. I've been putting off going to a doctor for years, so I'm really glad I went to Dr. Han and his staff.” - Philip M.


“He’s one of the best ear docs around. I love him and will continue going back.” - Autumn T.

“Really great doctor and friendly staff. I was a 1st time patient needing to see him while on vacation. They found the time for me, and not only helped me, but did a follow up inquire to make sure everything was okay. Very impressive!” - Philip M.

“Dr. Han and his staff were very professional and caring. They made me feel better since I was a little nervous. I would highly recommend Dr. Han.” - Jennifer E.


“We were very impressed with the quality of the office, the staff, and Dr. Han. It was an excellent experience for our hearing impaired grandson.” - Glenn K.

“He's professional and made me feel at ease. He made sure I completely understand what was going on, was very patient and welcomed questions. His staff was also extremely professional!” - Samuel W.

If you were recently a patient of Dr. Han’s, or you want to learn more about what our patients are saying, you can write and read reviews on our Zocdoc and Facebook Page at any time!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Do I Have a Sinus Infection? 6 Signs It's Not Just Allergies

Especially in the spring when everyone seems to be sniffling from pollen, a sinus infection can easily be dismissed as nothing more than allergies. If you’re feeling congested, here are a few ways a sinus infection differs from allergies and a cold.

What is a Sinus Infection? 
Medically known as rhinosinusitis, a sinus infection is an infection that develops in your nasal cavities, chest, lungs, or respiratory system.

Identifying a Sinus Infection

1. Pain in Your Sinuses
Unlike a cold, which feels like pressure, a sinus infection can actually hurt. Normally, patients will experience pain in their forehead, upper jaw, and teeth.

2. Nasal Discharge
It’s definitely the topic no one wants to talk about, but it’s also one of the best ways to identify a sinus infection. During allergy season, it’s normal for your nose to run a little, but that discharge will typically be clear. If you have a sinus infection, it will likely be yellow or green.

3. Sinus Headaches
The inflammation and extra fluids that collect in your sinuses can quickly cause a sinus or pressure headache. Typically, they’re worse in the morning and begin to subside in the afternoon.

4. Sore Throat or Hoarse Voice
As the discharge from your sinuses begins to drip down the back of your throat, it can cause your throat to become irritated and inflamed.

5. A Fever
Infections and fevers go hand in hand. If you think you have a sinus infection, look to see if you have a fever. But it's important to remember that it is possible to have a sinus infection and not run a high fever, so you shouldn’t rely on the thermometer alone.

6. Fatigue
If you’re getting enough sleep but still feeling tired during the day, it could be another symptom of a sinus infection.

If you think you have a sinus infection, the specialists at Florida ENT can quickly and accurately cure your symptoms. We encourage you to give our Sinus & Facial Plastics Institute a call to schedule an appointment. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE! 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Programmable Hearing Aids Can Improve Sound Quality

Coming to terms with hearing loss can often be difficult. Denial is one of the main reasons people suffering from hearing loss rarely seek treatment. In America, nearly 15 percent of the population (48 million people) suffer from some degree of hearing loss. However, out of that 15 percent, less than 10 percent will be treated.

Florida ENT Programmable Hearing Aids Can Improve Sound Quality

Despite what most people think, difficulty hearing does not only affect your ability to communicate, it can also increase your risk of dementia, depression, and falling.

Because of this, raising awareness of cost-friendly, programmable hearing aids is important now more than ever. Programmable hearing aids are much different than typical hearing aids. Traditional hearing aids would do nothing more than amplify sound — all sound. This was more troublesome than helpful to many people who needed a more customized approach. That is what programmable hearing aids now offer.      

The benefits of programmable hearing aids:
  • Their batteries last much longer. Some devices have batteries that can last for as long as 4 years without ever needing to be replaced or recharged.
  • The technology is newer and more advanced.
  • Sound can be amplified or softened at the touch of a button.
  • The device can recognize and understand different situations (like being in a restaurant, concert, or church service) and self-adjust how the user perceives sounds.

Hearing loss can be caused by a number of things, however the most common causes are:
  • Old age.
  • Frequent and consistent exposure to loud noises.
  • Chronic ear infections.
  • Head or inner ear trauma.
  • A virus or disease.

At Florida ENT, we are committed to helping patients who suffer from hearing loss and inner ear damage. Utilizing the latest advances in medicine and state-of-the-art techniques, our goal is to treat our patients with comfort and compassion. To learn more about the services we provide, please call us today at 407-944-3340 to schedule an appointment.