
Friday, March 4, 2016

Tips To Handle Seasonal Allergies

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Spring is (finally) here! We're sure throughout the fall and winter months you've daydreamed about warmer days, blooming flowers, and spending time outdoors. However, if you're one of the lucky individuals who suffers from seasonal allergies, you may be dreading the latest season change.

Luckily there are a few things you can do so you can spend your days outside without having to worry about allergies! Check them out below.

Don't let pollen win. 
You will never be able to completely avoid pollen, however you can control it from taking a toll on you.  If you're heading outside, be sure to wear sunglasses and a hat. You should also try and stay indoors with the windows closed when levels are highest, which is usually midday and early afternoon. When you return indoors, taking a quick shower and changing your clothes will help keep irritations to a minimum.

Natural remedies.
If you aren't into medicine, there are a couple of natural remedies available to keep you comfortable when allergy season hits. Vitamin C is is widely available and acts as a natural antihistamine. Taking 500-1000 mg three times per day can help control allergy symptoms. Spices such as cayenne pepper and chili pepper can help to reduce nasal congestion and stuffiness.

Clear nasal passage.
One of the best ways to keep your nasal passage clear is by using a netti pot. The saline solution helps to rid your nostrils of any pollen or mold that may have made their way there and keep it moist. Neti pots can be purchased in your local drugstore.

If you're suffering from seasonal allergies, we can help! Contact Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery today to learn more about our service by calling 877-EAR-NOSE. Additonal information can be found by visiting

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