
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

5 Most Common Food Allergies

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Food allergies are extremely common and affect most people at one point or another throughout their life. Allergies to food can come in a variety of ways and develop early or later in life. However, there are a couple of foods out there that rank higher than others when it comes to allergies. Check them out below.

One of the most common allergy (especially in children) is milk. Symptoms for a milk allergy include bloating, gas, skin rashes, and hives.

Another allergy that is extremely common is those to peanuts. Not only is this one of the most severe allergic reactions someone can experience, it can lead to throat closure. If you do in fact have an allergy to peanuts, be sure to read all labels carefully.

Did you know shellfish is the most common food allergy among adults? Shellfish allergies tend to surface later in life and can be extremely severe causing symptoms such as rashes, hives, and throat closure.

Eggs are another food that many children are allergic to. However, most eventually grow out of it by age six or so. If you suspect your young child may have an allergy to eggs, it's in their best interest to get them tested right away.
The fifth and final most common food that people are allergic to is fish. Just like shellfish and peanuts, fish allergies can be severe. It's important to be on the lookout while dining out at restaurants as many use gelatin, oils and sauces that contain some sort of fish.

If you suspect that you or your child may be suffering from a good allergy, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat right away. We offer allergy screening, allergy management and immunotherapy. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE. For more information about our office, visit

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