
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Why It's Time to Put Down the Nasal Spray

Nasal sprays can provide relief when you need it the most. These sprays generally include ingredients such as saline, decongestants, antihistamines, and steroids. People tend to use nasal sprays when they have seasonal allergies, a sinus infection, or a cold. But are sprays almost too good? Because they provide instant relief, people tend to overuse them.

When to Use Nasal Spray 

Nasal spray is commonly used to open the sinuses when someone has a sinus infection or cold. Decongestant sprays do this by shrinking swollen blood vessels in nasal passages. By reducing the size of blood vessels, spray also lowers the amount of inflammation in a person’s sinuses, allowing them to breathe easily.

Can I Overuse Nasal Sprays? 

Simply put, yes! Decongestant nasal sprays should not be used for more than three days in a row. If they are used for longer than three days, decongestant nasal sprays can cause a condition known as rhinitis medicamentosa (i.e., rebound congestion). A person with rhinitis medicamentosa will experience congestion as a result of the medication in nasal sprays (rather than a cold or sinus infection).

The Effects of Using too Much Nasal Spray 

Overuse of nasal sprays may lead a person to be congested more often than not. People can also become reliant on decongestant nasal sprays if used too often. These individuals may need to take increased amounts of nasal spray in order for the medication to work.

  • Stinging
  • Increased mucus production
  • Burning
  • Sneezing
  • Dryness in the nasal cavities
  • Difficulty staying asleep or falling asleep
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Headache

If you have any questions about our office or are interested in making an appointment, please give us a call at 877-EAR-NOSE or visit us online for more information. To keep up with the latest from our office, be sure to visit our Facebook Page.

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