
Monday, February 26, 2018

Will a Sinus Infection Heal On Its Own?

Sinus infections (or sinusitis) can often be healed on their own. In fact, sinusitis usually goes away on its own about 70% of the time.  They are often caused by bacterial infections or viruses and common symptoms include facial pain, headaches, nasal congestion, and a runny nose. If your symptoms do last for more than two weeks, see your physician as this could indicate a more serious problem.

If you are in the beginning stages of your sinus infection, there are several home remedy solutions available to help lessen your symptoms and heal faster.

Natural Home Remedies 

The following home remedies work to get rid of sinusitis naturally:
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar
  2. Probiotics
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Grapfruit Seed Extract
  5. Fermented Cod Liver Oil
  6. Echinacea Tea
  7. Saline Spray
  8. Raw Garlic

Essential Oil Remedies

The following essential oils contain anti-fungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you heal faster:
  1. Tea Tree Oil
  2. Eucalyptus Oil
  3. Peppermint Oil
  4. Oregano Oil
  5. Rosemary Oil
  6. Thyme Oil

Alleviate Symptoms

There are several techniques you can try to help alleviate your symptoms:
  1. Neti Pot helps to flush irritants and allergens from your system
  2. Eating spicy foods helps to open your nasal passage
  3. Steaming helps to alleviate your congestion
  4. Using a humidifier keeps your nasal passages moist

Whichever remedy you decide to try, remember a natural solution may take a little longer to relieve your symptoms. Still, natural remedies rarely have side effects and are often a good option for many sinus infection sufferers.

If you experience sinus infections frequently or if your symptoms last for more than two weeks, call our office at 877-EAR-NOSE to schedule an appointment today.

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