
Friday, January 26, 2018

The 3 Best Ways to Treat Sinus Infection Symptoms

Many people have experienced sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, at some point during their lives. Sometimes a sinus infection has no symptoms. Acute sinusitis, which often has a short duration and is a one-time issue, typically occurs after a cold. However, chronic sinusitis can last for months, or possible years.

The sinuses are essentially hollow cavities in the bones of the skull, surrounding the nose, that produce mucus. When the nose becomes swollen, such as when someone has a cold, it can block the mucus from draining properly, resulting in an infection.

Whether the infection is caused by a cold virus or bacterial infection, there are a lot of natural remedies that can offer relief. Here are the three best home remedies for sinus infections:

Way #1 to Treat Sinus Infections: Stay Hydrated

We recommend drinking plenty of water or decaffeinated beverages throughout the day to help keep the body hydrated and the sinuses moist. Be sure to stay clear of caffeinated, as well as alcoholic drinks, as these are diuretics which cause the body to lose more fluids than it consumes.

While the recommended daily fluid intake will differ from one person to the next, an easy rule of thumb is to consume at least 64 ounces of water each day. That sounds like a lot, but eating raw vegetables and fresh fruit contributes a lot of water to your daily intake.

It is easy to tell if the body is dehydrated by the color of the urine. If urine is not completely clear, you’re not as hydrated as you should be. The darker yellow the urine is, the greater the degree of dehydration.

Way #2 to Treat Sinus Infections: Keep the Air Properly Humid

Using a humidifier to keep the air moist can help keep the sinuses from drying out. However, we cannot emphasize enough how important it is to be sure the humidifier is kept clean. This goes double for allergy suffers, as a dirty humidifier can be a breeding ground for mold and bacteria.

We recommend only using humidifier when the air is dry, typically during the winter months. Around 40-percent humidity is ideal. If the windows begin to fog up, the humidity level is too high.

Way #3 to Treat Sinus Infections: Flush Nasal Passages

While there is some debate as to what home remedies work best for sinus infections, we at Florida ENT know the effectiveness of saline sprays and flushes are indisputable. Numerous clinical studies have been conducted on saline washes that have proven the at-home procedure to be highly effective.
Flushing the nasal passages with a saline wash thins out the mucus while flushing out of the nasal passages. We feel flushing the nasal passages should be the first line of defense against sinusitis, and treatments should be doubled when fighting colds or allergies.

Not Your First Infection This Year? You May Have an Issue.

People who get chronic sinus infections often have another underlying problem. Nasal passages which are too small or people with autoimmune issues may have trouble with the normal release of sinus fluid—which leads to constant infection.

Set up an appointment with Dr. Wade when you have more than one sinus infection in a season—we can help you find a better, longer-lasting solution. Contact us here today!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Best Winter Skincare Tips (for Florida Residents)

As a Florida resident, you are probably all too familiar with how the cooler winter conditions can impact your skin. In fact, even occasional indoor heating can dry out your skin. However, as temperatures drop, simple changes to your at-home skin care routine, in addition to specialty skin care treatments, can help safeguard your skin and keep you looking your best.

Practice a Proper Skin Cleansing Routine

Properly washing your face can alleviate most skin issues that occur as a result of dropping temperatures. Cleanse your face twice daily: once in the morning and then again in the evening, using a gentle cleanser to remove pore-clogging irritants. Irritants like debris and excess oil cause oily skin and breakouts, especially in conditions where your skin is drier than usual.
Remember, oily skin is a symptom of dry skin, not moisturized skin. If your skin has become dry due to decreased temperatures and humidity levels, simply incorporate a gentle cleanser that is free of sulfates and other drying ingredients to help your skin retain moisture.


When your skin is dry, dead skin cells accumulate in your pores, which causes your skin to become lackluster and dull. Gentle exfoliation, such as pads, cloths, or scrubs helps remove this build up to reveal brighter, healthier skin. It also helps your skin absorb your skin products better for improved results.
For those who are serious about exfoliation, microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that thoroughly exfoliates the skin. Ask your doctor about the procedure if you’re curious.


If you notice that your skin has become dry or has dry patches due to the season's changes, try switching your moisturizer to an oil-based moisturizer that includes emollients and humectants, such as avocado, almond, or primrose. These ingredients moisturize the skin without clogging your pores and provides a protective barrier on your skin. That way, it retains moisture for longer.


Sunscreen isn’t just for summer! Sunscreen helps protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays (even on cloudy days), which can cause premature aging, age spots, and, in some cases, even skin cancer. It should be a regular part of your skincare routine through all seasons.
Even the strongest sunscreen is only effective for two hours. The key is to apply it throughout the day as necessary to ensure its lasting effects.

Drink Plenty of Water

Hydration keep your skin moisturized—it is vital to drink an adequate amount of water every day. To ensure you receive your daily recommended amount of water, simply keep a bottle filled with water and sip on it throughout the day. You should also try to limit diuretics, such as caffeine, which can reduce hydration.

Dermatologist Treatments

If you feel that your regular skin care routine is just simply not enough to address your issues, then you may consider scheduling a consultation with a certified dermatologist, who can recommend personalized treatments, including facials, microneedling, microdermabrasion, and more, to help rejuvenate your skin.

For more information about Florida ENT treatments, feel free to contact us today.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common health disorder that causes a person to take shallow breaths or cease breathing while sleeping. Pauses in breathing may occur over 30 times an hour. After the pauses in breathing, normal breathing picks up again, often with a choking or loud nasal sound.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

There are several causes of sleep apnea. One of the most common causes of sleep apnea in adults is obesity. With children, some of the causes are enlarged tonsils or adenoids, and dental problems such as a large overbite. Sleep apnea is also associated with birth defects such as Pierre-Robin syndrome and Down syndrome.

Risk Factors

In addition, there are other risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea such as a thick neck, narrow throat and round head.

Additional factors that may contribute to sleep apnea are: 
  • Hypothyroidism 
  • Allergies 
  • A deviated septum 
  • Too much smoking 
  • Oversedation 
You may not know this, but aging may be a risk factor for sleep apnea. As a person ages, the brain is not as effective in keeping the upper airway throat muscles stiff during sleep. This increases the likelihood that the airway will become narrow or collapse.

Other Factors That Contribute to Sleep Apnea

Studies also show that postmenopausal women who are on hormone replacement therapy are less likely to develop sleep apnea compared to women who are not on HRT. In addition, men are more likely to be affected by sleep apnea than women. However, women are likely to develop sleep apnea during pregnancy and after menopause.

What Complications Are Associated with Sleep Apnea?

Some of the complications associated with sleep apnea include (but aren’t limited to):
  • High blood pressure 
  • Heart attack 
  • Stroke 
  • Diabetes 
  • Angina 
  • Hypothyroidism 
Medical treatment for sleep apnea includes controlling risk factors, using CPAP or oral appliances to ease breathing while asleep, and surgery. In addition, your doctor can offer you a device to lessen the effects of sleep apnea. Many patients find oral appliance are comfort, quiet, convenience, and easy to maintain.

If you suffer from sleep apnea but haven’t sought treatment, speak with your doctor or dentist and find out about the treatment options available.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Knowing the Difference Between Sinus Infections & Colds

Every year, 31 million people suffer from sinus infections—costing the U.S. billions of dollars and millions of days in lost productivity. Sinus infections are caused by blockages in our sinus cavities (the skeletal pockets behind our eyes and cheeks), which allows mucus to build up and bacteria to grow.
Unfortunately, countless people labor under the pain of a sinus infection because they think it’s a cold. They suffer needlessly, too—while colds are viruses and can’t be cured with medication, sinus infections are bacterial, so antibiotics would help. The issue is that colds and sinuses have nearly identical symptoms (except for the tell-tale sign of sinus headaches).
However, there are some symptoms that differ. There’s no such thing as a fail-safe test, but there are some hints that you have an infection.
You likely have a bacterial infection if:
  • Symptoms persist for 7+ days
  • Your mucus is yellowish green
  • You have a mild fever
  • You have uncharacteristically bad breath
Colds do not cause sinus infections, but having a cold increases the possibility of developing one. If you have a cold, avoid touching your face (which exposes your nose to more bacteria). If your symptoms have persisted for 10+ days, it’s possible that what started as a cold has become a sinus infection. Call your doctor for a prescription!
If you believe you’re suffering from frequent sinus infections, contact Dr. Han at Florida ENT. Utilizing the latest advances in medicine and state-of-the-art techniques, our goal is to treat our patients with comfort and compassion. To learn more about the services we provide, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE!