
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Foods That Fight Allergies

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center
 Wonder what’s causing your autumn allergies? Whatever the trigger may be, there are ways to fight it. The right exercise routine and hygiene can help, but so can diet. Here are some of the top foods that may ease up your allergies and others you should stay away from:

Tea - Warm fluids such as tea or chicken soup can help break up congestion, suppressing your seasonal cough.

Honey - Put some in your honey or on a salad. Studies show that a teaspoon is a common treatment for allergies.

Fish - The more omega-3 fatty acids you ingest, the less likely you are to develop allergies. Try tuna, salmon, and mackerel for example.

Yogurt - Some research shows that probiotics found in yogurt might slightly reduce pollen allergy symptoms in children.

To avoid making allergies worse, shy away from foods such as:

Certain fruits and vegetables - They contain proteins similar to those in pollens, which could be a trigger for some.

Beer or wine - Drinking alcohol can make nasal congestion worse (especially beer).

If you're suffering from allergies this fall no matter how hard you try to fight the symptoms, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat right away. We offer allergy screening, allergy management and immunotherapy. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE. For more information about our office, visit

Monday, September 26, 2016

The 5 Types of Audiological Testing

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Do you or someone you love suffer from hearing loss? The best thing you can do to get to the core of the problem is to go for audiologic testing. Through audiologic testing,  you can determine the severity and best treatment. At Florida ENT, we offer a wide range of audiologic testing from the basic diagnostic test to the more advanced examinations.

Function: An audiogram uses sounds of specific frequencies and intensity levels to determine what a person can hear in each ear.
The sounds are heard through headphones, and the patient is asked to identify each sound and the ear in which it was heard. The sounds become fainter and fainter, ultimately determining the lowest level at which a patient can hear. An audiogram may also include speech in the form of two-syllable words to determine how well a patient can comprehend what is being heard. For results to be considered normal, a patient must be able to hear a normal speaking voice, a whisper and the ticking of a watch.

Function: Tympanometry examines and diagnoses the middle ear by varying air pressure in the ear canal to see how the ear responds.
A probe is inserted into the ear to change the air pressure, produce a tone and measure the responses. The patient may not speak, move or swallow during the test because doing so can affect ear pressure. Tympanometry measures the functionality of the eardrum (tympanic membrane). Abnormal findings may be the result of fluid in the middle ear, a perforated ear drum or impacted ear wax.

Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response Test
Function: The brainstem auditory evoked response test (BAER) examines brain waves that have been stimulated by a clicking sound in order to evaluate the auditory pathways in the brain. 
Electrodes are placed on the scalp and earlobes, and the patient listens to a clicking noise through headphones. The electrodes record the brain's reaction. The BAER is commonly used to diagnose nervous-system abnormalities and hearing loss in infants and children.

Otoacoustic Emissions Test

Function: Otoacoustic emissions testing (OAE) measures response to sound from the cochlea.
 The hair cells inside the cochlea vibrate in response to sound. The test is performed by inserting a microphone and two speakers into the ear to emit a sound and then record the response signal. The test is often performed on children when hearing loss is a possibility. Absent or very soft response signals may be the result of hearing loss, fluid behind the ears or damage to the cochlea.

Function: Videonystagmography (VNG) is a test used to record involuntary eye movement called "nystagmus."
The test generates nystagmus, and the resulting recorded data determines the vestibular ocular reflex. The VNG is a basic balance test used to diagnose patients with symptoms of dizziness. The VNG is actually composed of seven different tests that help to determine whether dizziness results from a dysfunctions of the ear or from a different factor.

For more information on hearing loss, visit our website, or call (877) EAR-NOSE to schedule an appointment!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

7 Signs You Might Have Sleep Apnea

 Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Are you tired throughout the day, unable to pay attention to your family or friends? Do you experience mood swings or irritability? Can your spouse no longer sleep next to you due to your loud snoring and gasping? You may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Sleep apnea is the most common sleep disorder, affecting approximately 18 million adults in the U.S. with 80 percent going undiagnosed. If you are unsure if you are affected with sleep apnea, keep these symptoms listed below in mind.

1. Loud, Persistent Snoring
Although snoring doesn’t always mean you have sleep apnea; loud, chronic snoring is one of the most frequently cited symptoms. Snoring is caused by partial blockage, restricting your airways. If your snoring is loud, disruptive, and occurs nightly, visit your primary care physician to discuss if you may have sleep apnea.

2. Gasping While Sleeping
Again, the cause of gasping in your sleep is due to the obstruction of your airway. The fatty tissues of the throat and tongue become relaxed and fall back into your airways, restricting airflow for a few seconds. The low oxygen levels due to the restriction causes your brain to wake itself long enough to get past the air blockage causing you to gasp while you're breathing. This can occur 5 to 30 times in an hour lasting up to 10-20 seconds at a time.

3. Tired all the Time
While you may think you got plenty of sleep because you were in bed for 7-9 hours, all of the pauses and interruptions your body made in order for you to breath properly adds up. One of the most overlooked symptoms of sleep apnea is EDS (Excessive Daytime Sleepiness). If you have difficulty waking in the mornings, feeling excessively tired throughout the day, a general lack of energy, or difficulty concentrating among others, you may be affected by EDS and sleep apnea.

4. Wake with Headaches
While uncomfortable no matter what time of the day, if you get morning headaches it could be a sign of something more serious - sleep apnea. Low oxygen levels causes headaches and when you stop breathing during the night, less oxygen is making its way to your brain. This symptom, along with excessive daytime drowsiness are the two symptoms sufferers complain about the most.

5. High Blood Pressure
The same reason you experience headaches is how you can get high blood pressure. When your body wakes from your sleep due to low oxygen levels, it causes a spike in your blood pressure which restricts your blood vessels to kick start your system into working again. When this repeatedly happens throughout the night, your body gets used to restricting its blood vessels and begins to during the day, even when you are breathing normally.

6. Obesity
People who are overweight or obese are most likely linked to sleep apnea. Excess of fatty tissues can fall back into the airways during sleep causing obstructions to the airway. You are not alone in this fight, more than two-thirds of adults are overweight in America. Discuss options with your primary care physician to help you lose weight which in turn helps with your sleep apnea.

7. Irritable, Depressed, or Experience Mood Swings
Waking up hundreds of times during the night - even briefly - can have a serious affect on your mood and personality while you are awake. With lack of sleep you are prone to anxiety, depression, and mood swings among other things. Talk to your doctor to see if any of these symptoms are related to a sleep disorder.

To learn more about sleep apnea or the services we provide to help with this disorder, please call us today at give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

The Most Common Fall Allergies

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center
Most people associate allergies with springtime. But allergies can happen during all times of the year, especially in the fall! Below are three of the most common fall allergies you’ll come across and how you can protect yourself from suffering the side effects:

Fall Allergies

Ragweed: One of the most common fall allergies. Ragweed grows abundantly throughout the south, north, and midwest, and it can travel up to 400 miles in the wind. It can be found alongside the road, in vacant lots, and open field.

Other weeds: Goldenrod, curly dock, lamb’s quarters, pigweed, sheep sorrel, and sagebrush can also all cause fall allergies. Goldenrod, for example, blooms at the same time that ragweed does, except it is insect-pollinated.

Molds: Outdoor molds are another common seasonal allergy that first appear in early spring, and then thrive in late fall. They are commonly found in soil, compost piles, and in leaves that cover the ground. Mold spores are common airborne allergens that many should be aware of, as they are light and easily inhaled into the lungs.

Protecting Yourself

Regardless of how bad your fall allergies become, here are a few precautions you can take:
  • Use a face mask when you are outdoors (especially between 5 and 10 am or on windy days).
  • Dry your clothes inside in the dryer instead of hanging them outside
  • Keep your windows closed and turn on the AC
  • Shower frequently to remove allergens from your hair and clothes
If you're suffering from allergies this fall no matter how hard you try to fight the symptoms, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat right away. We offer allergy screening, allergy management and immunotherapy. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE. For more information about our office, visit