
Monday, December 31, 2018

The Top 3 Ways to Clean Your Ears

When was the last time you cleaned your ears — and we mean really cleaned your ears (not just let water fall over them while in the shower)? Despite the fact that your ears help you do everything from hear to balance, they often go uncleaned for days, even weeks at a time. But we say, no more!

1. Damp Cloth

When cleaning the outside of your ear, use a damp cloth to gently wipe dirt, dust, and dead skin from the surface. A warm damp cloth is ideal to help remove buildup from the front and back exterior surface of your ear.

2. Over-The-Counter Ear Wax Softener

Invest in an over-the-counter earwax softener if you believe your ear is suffering from wax build up. Over-the-counter earwax software helps to break up stubborn earwax that is deep or lodged in the ear canal, making it easier to remove. Using over-the-counter earwax softener is optimal if you are unable to rid the earwax on your own or if it is becoming increasingly difficult to hear. Plugged ear canals can also signal the need for over-the-counter earwax softener.

3. Visit a Specialist

When you want clean ears but you are unsure of how to go about doing so on your own, visit an ENT specialist. Visiting an ENT specialist for clean ears not only provides you with the necessary care and procedures, but also with valuable insight regarding proper care for your earwax buildup in the future.

What about Cotton Swabs?

While many people believe that using cotton swabs to clean their ears is a proper method, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Using cotton swabs can cause your eardrum to rupture due to increased and intense pressure inside of the ear. Additionally, cotton swabs tend to push earwax even further into the ear, making it more difficult to hear and clean properly.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Home Remedies for Treating Laryngitis (Voice Loss)

This is the season our office sees an increased number of clients complaining of voice loss, aka laryngitis. 

Laryngitis occurs when the voice box and chords become inflamed due to overuse, irritation, or infection. Typical symptoms include hoarseness, pain when swallowing, weak or lost voice, difficulty speaking, and the feeling that you always have to clear your throat. 

Laryngitis typically resolves itself in three to fourteen days. Although a related infection may be treated with medication, there are plenty of home remedies to effectively soothe the symptoms until it is resolved. 

The number one recommended home remedy recipe is:
  • 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
  • ½ cup of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Other Home Remedies Include

  • Apple Cider Vinegar - anti-microbial and anti-fungal
  • Honey - anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory
  • Ginger - anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • Warm Salt Water - anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory
  • Lemon Juice - anti-bacterial
  • Garlic - anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral
  • Turmeric - anti-inflammatory
We also recommend some simple dos and don’ts to aid recovery: 

Recovery Do’s

  • Do speak softly
  • Do rest your voice box
  • Do keep the area moist with lozenges
  • Do drink plenty of clear fluids (water, broth, tea)
  • Do use a humidifier

Recovery Don’ts

  • Don't whisper
  • Don't clear your throat
  • Don't smoke
  • Don't drink alcohol or caffeine
If symptoms do not resolve in two weeks, you may have a chronic condition that requires medical attention. If symptoms persist or you have any questions, contact Florida ENT for an appointment.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Quick and Easy Ways to Stop a Nosebleed

Nosebleeds can be frightening, especially because they tend to come on quickly and without warning. They are rather common, due to the fact that we all have a large number of blood vessels located in our nose. There are several causes for nosebleeds, such as dry nasal membranes, trauma, nose picking (especially in children!), frequent nose blowing, blood-thinning medications, and other bleeding disorders. Below you will find some quick and easy ways to stop your nose from bleeding.

Tilt Forward, Not Back

The old adage goes that if your nose is bleeding you should tilt your head backward to stop the blood flow. But this is exactly what you shouldn’t do! Repeat: do not tilt your head back when you have a nosebleed! Titling your head back will only make the blood travel down your throat and into your stomach or lungs. Instead, make sure that you sit up straight and lean forward a little bit, preferably over the sink.

Out, Not In

You should also never stuff your nose with tissues or other material when your nose is bleeding. Instead, gently blow your nose and then firmly pinch the softest part of your nose (the area just above your nostrils). After 10-15 minutes of pinching, the blood flow should stop on its own.

Stay Calm

It’s also important that you stay calm when your nose is bleeding, as stress can make it worse. Try breathing through your mouth and centering yourself.


There are several ways to prevent a nosebleed, including

  • Using only soft tissues
  • Using a humidifier to prevent a dry nose
  • Using Vaseline inside your nose

If your nosebleed doesn’t stop after trying these methods, is the result of a car accident or severe injury, or if it lasts for longer than 30 minutes, then you should seek medical attention right away. And as always, if you need more information about nosebleeds or anything else, please feel free to turn to us at Florida ENT.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Are Winter Allergies Possible?

You’re putting up your Christmas tree when all of a sudden you begin to feel it — a stuffy nose. Soon, your eyes begin to water and you feel itchy. Believe it or not, you may be suffering from winter allergies. That’s right, it's possible to suffer from allergies even when the temperature begins to dip. 

What's the Cause?

Virtually anything can cause an allergy attack, but some things are more common than others, especially in the winter. 
  • Fireplace smoke - Even though it may not be brutally cold, it can get chilly in Florida. And what do you do when it gets chilly? You either turn on the heat or light a fire. Unfortunately, smoke from your fireplace is one of the main culprits when it comes to respiratory woes. 
  • Pet dander and fur - Your pet is like one of the family. Albeit a dog or a cat, dander and fur can cause allergic reactions, even in otherwise healthy people. 
  • Wool and other fabrics - While wearing your favorite scarf, beanie or knitted sweater will keep you warm, unfortunately, it may also cause an itchy allergic reaction. 

What are the symptoms?

An allergic reaction can take many forms, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Although many mimic the common cold, it can be tough to tell the difference. 

Below is a list of some of the many symptoms: 
  • Itching
  • Sneezing
  • A runny nose
  • Watery or swollen eyes
  • Hives
  • Tingling in the mouth
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Tight feeling in the chest

Winter allergic symptoms in Florida don't need to ruin your holiday season. Thankfully, most types of allergies are treatable with over-the-counter antihistamines. If not, play it safe and schedule an appointment with Dr. Han of Florida ENT!