
Friday, September 14, 2018

What Can Happen if You Don't Treat a Sinus Infection?

Your sinuses are spaces within your bones that produce mucus and are very susceptible to inflammation.

If they were to become inflamed, they won’t be able to do their job effectively, as the increased swelling will block your sinuses from releasing mucus. Over time, germs and bacteria can fester and cause an infection.

Signs You Have a Sinus Infection 

Symptoms of a sinus infection vary from person to person. It’s important not to ignore the indicators our body gives off when something isn’t quite right. Unfortunately, many people are not able to tell if what they’re feeling is a sinus infection or a common cold. Some common symptoms of an infection are:

  • Stuffy nose 
  • Cough or congestion 
  • Facial tenderness and pressure
  • Runny nose
  • Loss of smell 
  • Fever

Don’t Ignore These Symptoms

Ignoring these symptoms can lead to other harmful illnesses that could have otherwise been prevented. The growing amount of mucus and germs sitting in your sinuses can cause:

  • Cavernous Sinus: An infection that spreads to the eye socket and causes a person's eyes to become swollen. It can also affect your vision and potentially lead to blindness. 
  • Meningitis or a Brain Abscess: An infection that spreads to the tissues of the brain. In more extreme cases, it can lead to brain damage. 
  • Mucoceles: A cyst that can affect one’s hearing.  

When it’s Time to Call a Doctor 

If your symptoms continue for 10 days or more or you get sinus infections frequently (twice a month or more) we recommend calling an ENT specialist right away. The treatment for a sinus infection that’s caught early is usually nothing more than an antibiotic.

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