
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tips on Preventing Swimmer’s Ear

Have you ever gone swimming, and then hours or maybe a day later, you feel intense pain in your outer ear? This is a common infection that occurs when contaminated water sits in the ear for too long. It is typically pretty painful, but it can be prevented.

Here are some things you can do to help prevent swimmer’s ear:

Maintain Proper Ear Wax Hygiene

Even when you’re not swimming in the water, too much or too little ear wax can aid in the development of ear infections. Make sure you have proper cleaning methods in place to prevent damage to the ear canal.

Use Earplugs

It may not be the most comfortable situation, but wearing earplugs while swimming can help keep the water out of your ear, making it less likely for you to have a problem. You can also use a swim cap that covers your ears. 

Clean Your Ears

Once you’re done swimming, use a clean towel to dry the outside of your ear. You can also tilt your head to one side at a time and get the water out. If you’re having trouble getting any water out, pulling on your earlobe in different angles may be beneficial.

Make Sure Water is Safe

If you notice any signs discussing the bacteria levels in the lake, pond, or river, stay out of the water. Always check to make sure you’re good to go swimming, otherwise, you increase the risk of bacteria getting in your ear.

Use Eardrops

After swimming, put eardrops in the ear to help remove the leftover water and bacteria. This should be done only if you’re not already experiencing ear pain. Over-the-counter eardrops will work just fine for this prevention method.

Ear infections are never fun to deal with and the unpleasant nature means you should seek help quickly. Our team at Florida ENT is ready to assist you and help you find the relief you need.

Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Signs You Should See a Doctor for Your Headaches

We’ve all experienced the discomfort and pain when a headache strikes and most of the time, we’re able to find relief through stress relief methods or with the use of aspirin. Typically, most people sustain mild and annoying headaches, but there are some that are more severe.

The more severe, the more likely it is that the problem goes beyond a typical headache. In some cases, it can be painful enough for you to seek medical help. If you experience any of the following, you should contact a doctor and quickly inform them of what you are experiencing.

  • Fever of more than 102 degrees 
  • Weak, numbing, or paralyzing feeling on one side of your body 
  • Vision troubles 
  • Issues with speaking or walking 
  • Nausea 
  • Confusion 
  • Stiff neck 
  • Fainting 

If the headache is very painful and comes on suddenly, there may be more issues that you aren’t aware of. It could indicate that there is trauma or another condition present. This is especially true if any of the others occur:

  • You get headaches three of more times per week 
  • You get headaches that increase in pain 
  • You have to take aspirin or another pain reliever nearly every day 
  • You need more than 2 or 3 does of medication each week 
  • You have headaches that impact your mood or interaction with others 

Most people have headaches that are easy to deal with and relief can be found relatively quickly. On the other hand, some issues are more serious than others and it’s worth it to at least speak with your doctor about what you’re feeling.

At Florida ENT, it is our goal to help our patients get the most out of their experience with us. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and the latest advances in medicine to achieve our patients’ goals. When you have a problem with headaches, remember we’re just a phone call away.

Schedule your appointment today.

Monday, May 14, 2018

5 Remedies to Treat Dry Nose

Experiencing dry nose? While dry nose isn’t an immediate cause for concern, it is an uncomfortable situation. It can lead to health risks if left untreated, but there are ways you can remedy the problem quickly and effectively.

Here are five remedies you can use to treat dry nose:

1. Petroleum Jelly

Take a small amount of petroleum jelly on your finger and rub the lining inside your nose. Petroleum jelly isn’t harmful to your body in small amounts, and it helps moisturize your nose and prevent dryness over time.

2. Nasal Spray

You can purchase nasal sprays over the counter at your local pharmacy as they are great for helping moisturize a dry nose. Look for saline sprays to help remove allergens and pollutants from your noise while also keeping it from drying up.

3. Steam

Boil some water or take a hot shower or bath to get some steam inside of your nose. The steam can help moisturize the nose, and it can also help drain some of the pollutants out of your nose to keep you from experiencing more problems.

4. Damp Wipes

Use dampened facial tissues or wipes to clean along the lining of the nostrils where irritation typically occurs. If your nose feels dry and the area is sensitive, try using baby wipes as they can help provide long-lasting effects without causing over-drying.

5. Humidifier

Use a humidifier while you are sleeping to increase the humidity in the room. This can help with clearing the nasal passages and remedying the dryness. Be sure to put your humidifier in a place that humidifies the whole room and avoids furniture.

If you’re dealing with dry nose and want to speak with one of our professionals, schedule an appointment today.

You may also try using coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, or vitamin E oil to help deal with the dry nose. Should none of these options work, gives us a call.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Which is Safer? Headphones or Earphones?

Whether you’re at the gym or going for a run, or simply want to listen to something on a more personal level, having earphones or headphones can be very beneficial. When purchasing either of these, there are many factors you should consider.

From style and cost to comfort and performance, these all play a part in the decision making when it comes to personal listening devices.

Before you make a decision, learn some of the differences between headphones and earphones:

How They Deliver Sound

Typically referred to as earbuds, earphones sit inside the ear, pushing music and other sounds directly into your ear canal. Over the ear headphones typically cup around the ears, leaving space between the speaker and your ear.

When it comes to sound and delivery, over the ear headphones provide many benefits whereas the earphones can be more dangerous. Choosing over the ear headphones can help with the comfort of the sound, as well as prevent hearing damage if used correctly.

Using Headphones and Earphones Correctly

Whether you choose headphones or earphones, you still must take precaution as both can damage the ear and affect your hearing. You don’t want to leave your headphones or earphones on too long or put them at a high volume level.

You should follow the 60/60 rule when it comes to personal listening devices. Make sure you don’t listen to sound higher than 60% volume and don’t listen for more than 60 minutes at a time. Typically, the design elements shouldn’t be a cause for concern, but the way you listen to sound and the delivery of it can make an impact.

If you have hearing damage or need to speak with someone about pain you’ve been feeling in your ear, Florida ENT is here to help. Schedule an appointment with us today and we can take a look at your ear, diagnose the problem, and provide the right remedy for you.