
Monday, February 5, 2018

How Allergies Work--& How to Fight Back

Allergies are the body's immune response to something that it views as a foreign substance. When any part of the body such as the eyes, ears, nose or skin comes in contact with such substances, the body reacts in ways that sometimes cause pain and discomfort. The most common allergies symptoms are sneezing, coughing, hives, runny nose, congestion and watery eyes. In some of the worst cases, allergy sufferers experience shortness of breath and asthma. If you suffer from allergy symptoms, you can try these tips to fight back:

Use HEPA Filters

HEPA filters can help you fight allergies if you have a problem with dust mites. They are special filters that trap allergens before they can get to your nose. These filters go inside of air conditioners, heaters and humidifiers. They can be a huge help because they trap dust, pet dander and other items that would normally set off an allergic reaction. HEPA filters are an inexpensive way to cut down on harmful reactions.

Try to Avoid Allergens

Another way that you can fight allergies is by avoiding things that make you have them. Dust mites are not the easiest to stay away from, but you can keep yourself away from pets and ragweed if you are allergic to those items.

Increase Your Intake of Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help to lower the number of histamines in your blood, which could lower the chances that you will have an allergic reaction. Increasing your Vitamin C is very easy to do. You can buy supplements, or you can get a big dose of Vitamin C in your meals and drinks. Orange juice, oranges, apples, apricots and grapefruits are all good sources of Vitamin C.

Partake in Immunology Treatment

If your allergic reactions are life threatening, you can schedule immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a process that is similar to a vaccination. You receive injections that build up your tolerance and decrease your sensitivity to allergens over time.

You don't have to suffer from allergies for the rest of your life. You can contact Florida ENT to get help. Call us to schedule an appointment for an evaluation. We serve the Orlando and Kissimmee areas. Our number is 877-EAR-NOSE, and you can have 100 percent trust in our efforts to help you to eliminate your allergies.

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