
Friday, November 10, 2017

4 Things Everyone Can do to Reduce Their Risk of Pneumonia

While the warm temperatures here in sunny Florida make it more difficult for us Floridians to catch pneumonia, even we aren’t immune to the disease. Each year, 1 million Americans seek the care of a hospital for pneumonia, while 50,000 people will die from the disease. As we approach cold, flu, and pneumonia season, we’re sharing a few ways you can best recognize and avoid pneumonia.

Recognizing Pneumonia

Because pneumonia often mimics other diseases, it can be hard to tell if what you’re suffering from is actually the disease. Below are a few of the tell-tale signs of pneumonia:

  • Persistent, high fever
  • Severe coughing 
  • Yellow or brown, thick mucus
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Chest pains 

Reducing Your Risk of Pneumonia 

Quit smoking. 
People who smoke are more likely to have a more compromised immune system, making them more likely to get pneumonia, as well as the common cold and flu.

Wash your hands. 
Aside from after going to the bathroom, when else do you wash your hands? For most people, the answer is almost never. In addition to after going to the bathroom, you should wash your hands before you eat and when you get home. This will help prevent the spread of viruses.

Avoid people with respiratory issues. 
It makes sense that you’d want to avoid people with pneumonia, but the disease can also be spread from people who have a cold, the flu, or a respiratory infection.

Avoid people with the chickenpox or measles. 
If you haven’t already had chickenpox or measles, or received the vaccine for each, you should avoid people who have the disease.

With locations in Orlando and Kissimmee Florida, Florida ENT is dedicated to the complete medical care of your lungs, nose, throat, and sinuses. To learn more about our sinus institute, give us a call at 407-944-3340.

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