
Monday, September 25, 2017

These 6 Apps Can Help You Quit Smoking Once and For All

From home decor to health and fitness, there really is an app for everything nowadays. And since smoking is the cause of nearly 20 percent of all deaths in America, it’s no surprise that there are numerous apps out there to help people quit smoking once and for all. But with so many options to choose from, how do you know which ones are the best? Luckily for you, we’ve researched the top ones and laid them out below, based on how user-friendly they are and user reviews.

apps for quitting smoking


Price: Free
User rating: 4.5/5 stars
Offering one of the most customizable plans out there, LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach allows you to quit cold turkey or to gradually wean yourself off of smoking over a period of time while tracking your nicotine consumption. It also helps to motivate you throughout the process by setting goals and motivations, and allows you to talk with others trying to quit, through the apps social networking platform.

Quit Smoking with Andrew Johnson

Price: $2.99
User rating: 4.0/5 stars
Developed by clinical hypnotherapist, Andrew Johnson, this app uses audio messages and sounds to help you quit smoking through self-hypnosis.


Price: Free
User rating: 4.7/5 stars
Who says quitting can’t be fun? Embrace the competitive gamer inside of you and use that motivation to help you quit. As you track your progress, including money saved, cigarettes skipped, and willpower, you’ll gradually achieve points and unlock new levels.

Quit Smoking - QuitNow!

Price: Free
User rating: 4.2/5 stars
With over 2 million success stories, Quit Smoking - QuitNow! makes quitting a community effort. In addition to tracking your overall progress, health benefits, and money saved, the app also allows you to communicate with people who have quit and people who are in the process of quitting.

One of the best ways to improve your allergies, keep your lungs healthy, and improve your asthma is to never start smoking or to quit if you do. To speak with a trained professional about your progress, goals, and overall health give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Most Common Fall Allergy Triggers

Between blooming flowers and swirling pollen, you probably knew exactly why you were sneezing in the spring. But now that fall is officially here, one would think that your allergies should come to a screeching halt, right? Unfortunately, many people still have allergies long into fall. So before you run to the cold medicine aisle (assuming a cold is to blame for your runny nose), let’s take a look at a few of the things that may be causing your fall allergies.

fall allergies ragweed


Ragweed is the most common fall allergy, with nearly 75% of fall allergy sufferers allergic to it. And be careful not to rule out ragweed just because it doesn’t grow near you. The light, fluffy pollen ragweed releases can be blown hundreds of miles and cling to plants, cars, and virtually anything else it comes in contact with.
What you can do:  To minimize your likelihood of a reaction, you should keep track of times when ragweed pollen is at its highest and try to stay inside during those few hours.


We tend to think of allergies as just plants and food, but mold is quickly becoming a popular allergy trigger for many people. And because it’s commonly found inside people’s homes, it’s hard to stay away from. But in addition to the stuffiness and general uncomfortableness that mold can cause, it’s also very bad for your health.
What you can do: If you suspect you have mold in your house, you should have your house professionally inspected and cleaned.

Dust Mites

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, dust mites can cause allergies. In the fall and winter, dust mites can easily circulate throughout your home’s heating system, traveling from room to room.
What you can do: In addition to cleaning your surfaces and carpets regularly, you should also consider having your air ducts cleaned before turning them on for the first time.

If staying inside, cleaning, and allergy medication still hasn't relieved your fall allergies, it may be time to contact the experts at Florida ENT! We provide comprehensive allergy screening exams and offer personalized treatment options just for you. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at 1-877-327-6673 (1-877-EAR-NOSE) today!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What to Know About a Tympanostomy (a.k.a. Ear Tubes)

Almost everyone has had an ear infection at one point or another, particularly when they were younger. But while most of us have only suffered through a handful of ear infection in our lifetime, others experience them on an annual, sometimes even monthly basis. If you or your children are among those who suffer from acute ear infections, there is hope! Today, frequent ear infections can be treated with the help of a tympanostomy — more commonly known as the insertion of tubes.

What to Know About a Tympanostomy (a.k.a. Ear Tubes)

Symptoms of an Ear Infection

In addition to general discomfort, ear infections can cause:
  • Fever.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Behavioral problems.
  • Delayed speech (specifically in young children).

What is a Tympanostomy?

A tympanostomy is a common and routine surgical procedure in which a small opening is made in a person’s eardrum and long, thin tubes are inserted. The purpose of these tubes is to help drain infected fluid and get air circulating through the middle of the ear. Not only do these tubes treat existing ear infections, but they prevent future ones from starting.

Reasons for a Tympanostomy

Not everyone who has experienced an ear infection needs tubes. Children, in particular, tend to experience frequent ear infections, but grow out of them around ages 10 - 12. But if you or your child are no longer responding to over-the-counter medication or have had fluid in both ears for three or more months, you should inquire about a tympanostomy.

Recovering from a Tympanostomy

Recovering from a tympanostomy is incredibly simple. Most patients can return to their normal activities days after the procedure — and yes, that includes swimming!

As with any surgery, there are possible complications that can occur. After a tympanostomy, some people experience bleeding, tearing, and frequent drainage. However, these side effects are often rare and mild. Overall, a person’s life tends to drastically improve after tube surgery. In kids particularly, parents have noticed that their children are speaking and hearing better, and more well-behaved.

If you believe you’re suffering from frequent ear infections, contact Dr. Han at Florida ENT. Utilizing the latest advances in medicine and state-of-the-art techniques, our goal is to treat our patients with comfort and compassion. To learn more about the services we provide, please call us today at 407-944-3340 to schedule an appointment.  

Friday, September 1, 2017

How Yoga Can Benefit Your Mind and Body

There’s a reason why in the past five years or so, you’ve heard so many of your friends and family talk about their love of yoga. While yoga clearly benefits your body, it also has incredible affects on your mind and spirit.

How Yoga Can Benefit Your Mind and Body Florida ENT

If you’re an avid yoga practitioner (or a yogi, as you may say) you’ve probably already noticed some of these benefits. And if you’ve never taken a yoga class before, these are certainly good reasons to start.

Physical Health

  • Increased flexibility.
  • Builds muscle strength and tones existing muscle.
  • Improves your breathing, lowers your heart rate, and boosts energy.
  • Helps control your metabolism.
  • Strengthens your spine.
  • Makes your heart stronger and can improve your overall circulatory health.
  • Can proactively protect you from future injuries.

Mental Health

Many people argue that the physical benefits of yoga come in second to the mental health benefits. In fact, there are so many psychological benefits of yoga, that it’s used in therapy and treatment centers to help relax patients. Take a look at some of the mental health benefits of yoga below:
  • Relieve anxiety and stress.
  • Combat depression.
  • Improve your memory and concentration.
  • Help those with disorders like ADD and ADHD focus and relax.

How you Can Start Practicing Yoga Today

You don’t need an expensive matt or a fancy gym membership to benefit from yoga. Really, all you need is the floor and a desire to better yourself! Between videos online and apps like Pocket Yoga, Daily Yoga, and Yoga Studio, you can become a yoga master in no time!

If yoga and deep breathing techniques aren’t enough to improve your respiratory health, it may be time to call the professionals at Florida ENT! To learn more about the services we provide, call us today at 407-944-3340 to schedule an appointment.