
Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tips for Recovering from a Septoplasty

Between your nose, there's a bridge of cartilage that divides your nostrils. For most of us, this cartilage is relatively straight, allowing air to flow evenly through both nostrils. But if you have a deviated septum, the bridge between your nose may be crooked or out of position. While it may not seem like a big deal, this can cause difficulty breathing, frequent nosebleeds, and pain. That’s why many people with a deviated septum decide to have a septoplasty — a procedure that straightens your septum.  
Tips or recovering from a septoplasty Florida ENT

If you’ve recently had a septoplasty, here are a few tips on how you can make sure your recovery is as smooth as possible.

Week 1:

Stay in bed the day of your surgery.
Most patients are surprised by how well they feel after the procedure. But because patients have to be placed under either local or general anesthesia, they are usually still groggy.

Keep your head elevated.
Patients should keep their head elevated while sleeping for at least one week after the procedure (many surgeons advise two weeks). This will keep the swelling down and help you breathe easier.

Wear clothes that are loose or button in the front.
To avoid pulling clothes over your head, you should try to wear shirts that button in the front. If you don’t have any button-up shirts, wear clothes with a loose collar. These won’t press against your nose when you put them on.

Month 1:

Don’t travel by plane.
If you’ve ever felt your ears “pop” during a flight, than you know that pressure changes greatly affect your sinuses. Pressure changes soon after nasal surgery can cause two problems — bleeding and sinus blockage. Changes in atmospheric pressure can cause you to suffer a bleed. Though rare, a major bleed may be difficult to control on a plane.

Avoid blowing or touching your nose.
Forcibly blowing your nose can cause damage to the new bridge between your nostrils, so you should avoid doing it all together. If you have to blow your nose, do so very gently. If you feel any pain afterwards, you should contact your surgeon.

Don’t play sports.
Even non-contact sports, like soccer, swimming, tennis, and baseball can damage your nose.

If you’re considering a septoplasty, make sure to consult the experts at Florida ENT. We can quickly and accurately assess your symptoms and design a treatment plan that is specialized to your needs. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE!

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