
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

7 Ways to Naturally Relieve Spring Allergies

Seasonal allergies are annoying! For those of you lucky enough not to suffer from them, allergies essentially feel like a two month long cold. But if you are one of the 50 million people who does suffers from allergies, take comfort in the fact that there are dozens of natural remedies you can take to help ease your symptoms. Below are our seven favorite herbs, solutions, and oils for alleviating spring allergies.  

Nettle Leaf
Nettle leaf is a natural antihistamine that blocks the body’s ability to produce the compound. You can ingest it in several ways, including a capsule or tea.

Apple Cider Vinegar
This old-fashioned home remedy is great for a number of ailments, but its best use is for relieving allergies. Apple cider vinegar can help reduce mucus production and cleanses the lymphatic system.

A Neti Pot or Saline Solution
A neti pot is one of the best ways to flush out your sinuses and leave you breathing freely. Using either a pre-made or store-bought solution, pour the saline through one nostril and let it drain out the other.

Hot Steam Cleanse
If you prefer not to use herbs or drugs of any kind to relieve sinus pressure, steam is the perfect alternative. Steam helps to open your nasal passages by thinning out mucus and other congestion causing agents. For the best results, boil a pot of water and pour it into a container. Then, place a towel over your head and the container, and breath in heavily.

Quercetin has been known to reduce inflammation and prevent mast cells from releasing histamines. You can find quercetin in onions and shallots, as well as green teas and citrus fruits.

Fish Oil Supplement
In a recent study of people with asthma caused by allergies, it was discovered that those who took fish-oil supplements every day had lower levels of leukotrienes, the chemical that causes allergic reactions.

Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil has been used for years to help open up airways and reduce sinus pressure. Best of all, it can be used several ways - by adding it into a neti pot or your laundry, or by mixing it with water and spraying it throughout your house.

Before you introduce a new herb or supplement into your diet, always consult a doctor or specialist - especially if you have liver problems, are pregnant, or on hormonal supplements.

If home remedies just aren’t doing enough to control your allergies this season, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat. We offer the most advanced allergy screening, allergy management, and immunotherapy treatments available. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE.

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