
Friday, March 24, 2017

New Technology Offers Hope for Those with Sleep Apnea

“I don’t drink coffee at night, I get eight hours of sleep, and I go to bed at the same time every night, so why am I still waking up tired and groggy?” If you’ve ever found yourself saying this, the problem is likely not with the quantity of sleep you’re getting, but with the quality. If you’re feeling exhausted during the day or snore loudly at night, you may be one of the 22 million people who suffers from sleep apnea.

Florida ENT - New Technology Offers Hope for Those with Sleep Apnea

What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes people to repeatedly stop breathing in the middle of the night.

What Are the Risks of Untreated Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea leads to a number of different health concerns. In addition to feeling fatigued and irritable during the day, sleep apnea can be a serious medical problem. Typically, patients with sleep apnea stop breathing for a second or two while in REM sleep, then breathe in heavily once their body realizes they have stopped breathing (which is what often causes snoring). If you leave sleep apnea untreated long enough, it can progress so that you stop breathing for longer periods of time. It can also increase your risk of having high blood pressure, a heart attack, and a stroke.

Lifestyle Changes to Help Treat Sleep Apnea
  • If your sleep apnea is less severe, lifestyle changes can help. Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders for people who are overweight, so losing weight can help put less pressure on your lungs when you sleep.
  • Exercise and a healthy diet can also help reduce or eliminate sleep apnea.
  • If you’ve tried all these but still don’t feel any relief, you may need to be placed on a breathing respirator at night or receive corrective surgery to open up your airways.

New Technology to Help Control Sleep Apnea
In 2011, the first ever upper airway stimulating device (an electronic device similar to a pacemaker) was implanted in a 67-year-old man’s chest. The device delivers a mild pulse to a person’s tongue and throat muscles, which keeps air flowing freely throughout the night. Though the mechanism is still in its infancy, it has shown great success for patients who meet the right criteria.

At Florida ENT, we offer state of the art, individualized treatment for those who suffer from sleep apnea. From diagnosis to treatment plan, we can have you breathing easy in no time. To learn more about sleep apnea or the services we provide, give us a call today at (877) EAR-NOSE.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

7 Ways to Naturally Relieve Spring Allergies

Seasonal allergies are annoying! For those of you lucky enough not to suffer from them, allergies essentially feel like a two month long cold. But if you are one of the 50 million people who does suffers from allergies, take comfort in the fact that there are dozens of natural remedies you can take to help ease your symptoms. Below are our seven favorite herbs, solutions, and oils for alleviating spring allergies.  

Nettle Leaf
Nettle leaf is a natural antihistamine that blocks the body’s ability to produce the compound. You can ingest it in several ways, including a capsule or tea.

Apple Cider Vinegar
This old-fashioned home remedy is great for a number of ailments, but its best use is for relieving allergies. Apple cider vinegar can help reduce mucus production and cleanses the lymphatic system.

A Neti Pot or Saline Solution
A neti pot is one of the best ways to flush out your sinuses and leave you breathing freely. Using either a pre-made or store-bought solution, pour the saline through one nostril and let it drain out the other.

Hot Steam Cleanse
If you prefer not to use herbs or drugs of any kind to relieve sinus pressure, steam is the perfect alternative. Steam helps to open your nasal passages by thinning out mucus and other congestion causing agents. For the best results, boil a pot of water and pour it into a container. Then, place a towel over your head and the container, and breath in heavily.

Quercetin has been known to reduce inflammation and prevent mast cells from releasing histamines. You can find quercetin in onions and shallots, as well as green teas and citrus fruits.

Fish Oil Supplement
In a recent study of people with asthma caused by allergies, it was discovered that those who took fish-oil supplements every day had lower levels of leukotrienes, the chemical that causes allergic reactions.

Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil has been used for years to help open up airways and reduce sinus pressure. Best of all, it can be used several ways - by adding it into a neti pot or your laundry, or by mixing it with water and spraying it throughout your house.

Before you introduce a new herb or supplement into your diet, always consult a doctor or specialist - especially if you have liver problems, are pregnant, or on hormonal supplements.

If home remedies just aren’t doing enough to control your allergies this season, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat. We offer the most advanced allergy screening, allergy management, and immunotherapy treatments available. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

4 Things to Know About Sinusitis

Between the sniffling, headaches, and congestion, there’s nothing more frustrating than a stuffy nose. Luckily, that discomfort usually goes away in a few days, but what if it doesn’t? If that cold has lingered for more than a week or so, it may actually be sinusitis. If you think you have sinusitis (also known as a sinus infection), here are a few things you should know about the disease.

Florida ENT - 4 Things to Know About Sinusitis

Sinusitis isn’t the same as a cold.
Because the symptoms of sinusitis often mimic that of a cold, people often think they’re the same thing, but there are actually several differences between the two ailments. The main difference between a cold and sinus infection is how long the symptoms persist. A cold should last no longer than a week and will go away on its own, while untreated sinusitis can last for weeks. Another main difference is the color of your nasal discharge. During a cold, discharge should be mostly clear and runny. If you are noticing thick, dark brown, or yellow discharge, that can be a sign of sinusitis.

You have four different nasal cavities.
You may have two nostrils, but you have four sinus cavities. The four cavities are the frontal, maxillary, sphenoid, and ethmoid. You can have one or several infected cavities and each has their own symptoms.

An inflamed...   
  • frontal can cause a sensitivity to light and forehead pain.
  • maxillary can cause tender teeth and jaws.
  • sphenoid can cause ear pain.
  • ethmoid can cause eye pain.

Symptoms vary person to person.
Like most illnesses, no two people experience the same symptoms of sinusitis. Your symptoms will most likely correlate with the number of inflamed cavities and the severity of the blockage.

They do sometimes require medical attention.
Depending on the type of infection you have (bacterial or viral) you may need to seek the help of a trained professional. A viral infection won’t respond to antibiotics and is more likely to go away on its own or with the help of a few home remedies, like tea and a neti pot. A bacterial infection on the other hand, can stick around a lot longer and will respond to antibiotics. If you’re not feeling better within 7 - 10 days of your first symptoms, consult an ENT specialist.

If you think you have a sinus infection, the specialists at Florida ENT can quickly and accurately cure your symptoms. We encourage you to give our Sinus & Facial Plastics Institute a call to schedule an appointment. We offer allergy screening, allergy management and immunotherapy. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

How to Start Planning for Spring Allergies

Spring is in the air - literally. As we head into March, pollen, dust, and other tiny microbes are now airborne. If you’re one of the 50 million people affected by allergies, you’re probably already feeling the effects of spring. This year, allergy season is said to come earlier and be more intense than years before, due to the country's mild winter. If you already feel your eyes watering and nose running, here are a few ways you can protect yourself against allergy season.

Keep Pollen Out of Your House
Unfortunately, pollen isn’t just found outside in the park. Whenever you walk into your house, you drag in thousands of microscopic dust and pollen particles. Keep your house a pollen-free zone by increasing your cleaning efforts during peak pollen season. Vacuum and dust your entire house every other day and change your bed sheets and pillow cases every week.

Avoid Peak Pollen Hours
It may seem annoying at first, but planning your schedule around pollen levels can really help alleviate a lot of your symptoms. If you can, avoid being outside when the pollen count is at its highest - usually between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m.

There’s an App for That
Yup, there are actually apps that will help you track pollen levels in your area. ‘AllergyManager’ lets you track the pollen count over the next few days, so you can use it to help plan your outdoor spring activities.

Try Nasal Irrigation
Even if you're blowing your nose regularly or using a nasal spray, pollen can still remain in your nose hairs and sinuses for days. The next time your allergies get really bad, consider using a neti pot to flush your sinuses. A neti pot can alleviate symptoms like sneezing, itching, sinus headaches, nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, and hoarseness.

See an Allergist Before Your First Reaction
Don’t suffer through allergies for a month before you finally accept that it’s not a cold, it’s not going away, and it is allergies. Nowadays, there are numerous treatment options for patients to combat allergies before the season even technically starts. The sooner you begin treatment, the less intense allergy season is going to be!

If you're suffering from allergies this spring, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat. We offer the most advanced allergy screening, allergy management, and immunotherapy treatments available. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE.