
Monday, November 7, 2016

Are You At Risk for Winter Allergies?

 Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Some get lucky when spring and summer allergies come to an end. But for others, winter is just as bad. From pet dander to mold, here are a few common allergies you might be at risk for and what you can do to eliminate your chances:

Pet dander: Cold weather means your pets will spend more time indoors, exposing you more to dander.

Mold and mildew: leaves and other waste in the yard gives mold and mildew a breeding ground in which your allergies could worsen. This also goes for shoes and clothes that provide damp irritants with an easy path indoors.

Dust mites: Winter means more indoor heat and less fresh air. With the air getting stuffy, it’s easy for dust mites to create some sensitivity.

Damp wood: Cut wood that is stored outside becomes moist. Bring that wood inside and you’re only inviting a heavy allergy trigger.

You can avoid such allergies in a few ways:
  • Wash your bedding often to eliminate pet dander and dust mites
  • Shower when you feel symptoms progress to wash away allergens stuck to your body and in your hair
  • Try a saline solution to relieve nasal congestion
  • Purchase a humidifier to create more moisture indoors
If you're suffering from allergies this winter no matter how hard you try to fight the symptoms, we encourage you to make an appointment at Florida Ear Nose Throat right away. We offer allergy screening, allergy management and immunotherapy. To schedule an appoint, give us a call at (877) EAR-NOSE. For more information about our office, visit

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