
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Important Facts For Allergy Sufferers

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Did you know over 45 million Americans, which is about one fifth of the population, suffer from one kind of allergy or another? If you're one of those individuals, check out a couple facts about allergies below that you may or may not know.

Allergies have similiar symptoms.
Whether your allergies are due to pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites, certain foods, or nickels, symptoms can be simliar. Symptoms include runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, skin rashes, congestion, and hives. Knowing exactly what you're allergic to can help treat and monitor symptoms.

There are a lot of solutions.
Antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, allergy tests and allergy shots are just some of the solutions that can help ease symptoms you may be suffering from. Talk to your doctor about what the best treatment option for you is.

Lifestyle changes.
Medicine isn't the only way to help alleviate allergy symptoms. Simple things like closing the windows at night to keep pollen and mold out, using central air conditioning with a filter to clean your air, and dehumidifiers can help keep you comfortable and symptoms to a minimum.

Here at Florida ENT, that last thing we want is you to be suffering from allergies. Give us a call today at 877-EAR-NOSE and you will be one step closer to relief! For more information, visit

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