
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hearing Loss 101

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Hearing loss is more complex of a condition than most know it to be. It can happen suddenly or  gradually, it can be mild or severe, it can be temporary or permanent, and it could affect one or both ears. Presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss, is the most common form of hearing loss. This affects about 25 percent of people in the age range of 65 to 75 and affects about 50 percent of people older than 75. Hearing loss, as it relates to age, tends to be more gradual than sudden.

Whether it is temporary or permanent, hearing loss is usually caused by some sort of damage to the inner ear. Hearing loss can affect all ages and could be caused by chronic exposure to loud noises, wax buildup, fluid buildup, foreign objects in the ear canal, or having a family history of hearing loss.

There are three basic types of hearing loss:

Conductive - Problems with hearing will usually stem from a structural or blockage issue occurring in the middle or outer ear. Conductive hearing loss causes sounds to be less audible. The most common treatment for this type of hearing loss is surgery.

Sensorineural - The inner ear and auditory nerve are most affected with this type of hearing loss. Hair cells, in the ear, are used as receivers for sound and sometimes they stop functioning  properly. Since sound is not being received by the ear, hearing aids are used as the most common treatment.

Mixed Hearing Loss - A combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss can be developed. This occurs when there is damage to the outer or middle ear and the inner ear. The most common treatment for this type of hearing loss is with bone anchored hearing aids.

Common symptoms of hearing loss include either muffled or unusually loud speech, inability to understand conversation, a feeling of clogged ears, and ringing in the ears. While hearing loss affects the individual, they may not always be aware of their hearing deficiency until another person points it out to them. A diagnosis of hearing loss can be done through a physical examination of multiple hearing tests.

Temporary hearing loss could be due to a buildup of wax in the ear or from an infection. Treatments for these are a lavage, cleaning of the ear canal, or antibiotics. Permanent hearing loss could be due to damage to the inner ear, a congenital defect, or as a result of old age. Treatments for these include surgery and multiple forms of hearing aids.

Not sure if you are being affected by hearing loss, but some of the symptoms seem relevant to you? Don’t wait and see, go get checked out just to be safe. At Florida ENT, we offer physical examinations and multiple forms of testing to properly diagnose hearing loss. Start treating hearing loss so you can get back to feeling like your old self. For more information on hearing loss, visit our website, or call (877) EAR-NOSE to schedule an appointment!

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