
Thursday, October 26, 2017

7 Things to Know Before Getting a Lip Augmentation

Perhaps no year was bigger for lips than 2017. If lip liner just isn’t working for you anymore, it may be time to consider lip injections. But like any procedure, there are a few things you should know before heading into the doctor’s office.

1. You can choose between permanent and temporary fillers.

  • Permanent: The good thing about permanent fillers is that you only have to have them done once. But, they’re a bigger commitment since they will last forever.
  • Temporary: Though you’ll have to repeatedly get them refilled, temporary fillers are less of a commitment because they dissolve within around 6 months.

2. Don’t exercise the day before the procedure.
That pink flushed look most people get in their face after a workout is actually blood rushing to your head. Needless to say, a higher than average amount of blood in your face isn’t something you want right before a facial procedure.

3. You also shouldn’t take any painkillers, fish oil tablets, or vitamin E for 10 days before the procedure.
Supplements and medications like these can thin your blood and cause you to bruise or bleed excessively.

4. You’ll see results almost immediately.
Your lips will be a little swollen for the first 24 hours or so. But after that, you’ll get to see your true results. Meaning you could have the procedure done on Thursday morning and be ready to hit the town by Friday night.

5. Most people describe the actual procedure as a “pinch.”
The initial injection is often described as someone pinching your lips. And while the injection is sometimes described as a mild sting, most people only describe it as a “strange” feeling.

6. The procedure usually takes less than half an hour.
Once the filler has been injected, your doctor will massage your lips and ask you to apply ice for around 10 minutes. Then you’re free to go!

7. They don’t feel any different than natural lips.
The real beauty of lip injections is that they feel no different than natural lips. Whether eating, drinking, or kissing, most people notice no difference.

If you’re considering a lip augmentation, give Dr. Han of Florida ENT a call at (877) EAR - NOSE. We specialize in temporary and permanent lip fillers, fat transfers, and implants.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Signs and Symptoms of Fall Allergies in Florida

It may be 85 degrees outside, but it’s still technically fall in Florida! Even though we don’t experience quite as drastic weather changes as some of our friends up north, the start of fall can still drum up new allergies for those of us in the Sunshine State. If you’re still sneezing long after summer has ended, these may be a few of the culprits:

3 Most Common Fall Allergies 

  • Ratty Ragweed. Ragweed is the most popular fall allergy, with nearly 75 percent of people allergic to spring plants also allergic to ragweed. And unfortunately, even those of you not in ragweed “hot spots” aren’t safe from its effects. Wind can carry ragweed’s light pollen for hundreds of miles. 
  • Mountains of Mold. Mold can trigger reactions year-round, however it’s especially common in the fall. Damp areas of your house, like the basement, bathroom, and crawlspaces are a breeding ground for mold spores. Mold also isn’t just found inside. Piles of wet leaves can attract mold and cause your allergies to act up while outside. 
  • Dirty Dust Mites. Dust mites love humid weather. Since the weather remains humid all year long here in sunny Florida, dust mites are a concern 365 days a year. 

Symptoms of Fall Allergies 

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should visit a doctor to pinpoint exactly what you’re allergic to. Knowing what you’re allergic to will help you avoid it and properly treat any reaction you may have from it.

  • Runny nose 
  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing 
  • Coughing 
  • Sinus congestion 
  • Itchy eyes
  • Dry nose 

Not sure what you’re allergic to? Contact the experts at Florida ENT! We provide comprehensive allergy screening exams and offer personalized treatment options just for you. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at 1-877-327-6673 (1-877-EAR-NOSE) today!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Strong Connection Between Mental and Physical Health

What does a healthy person look like? If you asked a group of people that, odds are they’d say someone who is young, physically fit, and maybe even has beautiful skin. And while we’re certainly not denying that’s true, what about someone who is happy or laughing?

The Strong Connection Between Mental and Physical Health

All too often, we think of health as just physical, but mental health is just as important for your overall health and wellness. But in the words of the World Health Organization, “there is no health without mental health.”

The Link Between Happiness and Physical Health

Though they’re often spoken about as separate entities, mental and physical health are more closely associated than many think. In fact, people who report higher levels of happiness and joy with their lives tend to have:
  • Stronger immune systems.
  • Lower reported levels of stress and anxiety.
  • Fewer aches and pains.
  • Longer lives.

How to Boost Your Mental Health

Just like a muscle in your body, your mental health can be strengthened. Taking just a few minutes a day to focus on your health can make world of difference. Starting today, improve your mental health by:
  • Surrounding yourself with happy people. Attitudes are contagious. If you want to be happier, spend time with people who are genuinely happy and who make you happy.
  • Find healthy ways to deal with stress. Stress is a normal part of life, so the goal isn’t to make stress disappear completely, but to conquer it in a healthy way. Yoga, meditation, and reading are all great ways to combat stress.
  • Stay active. Just like mental health affects your physical health, the opposite is also true. People who workout regularly are less likely to experience depression and anxiety. It’s also a wonderfully healthy way to deal with stress.
  • Set achievable goals. All too often, people set goals that are unrealistic given the time are resources they have. Then when they don’t meet them, people get discouraged. Instead, set smaller goals more frequently that you can achieve.
  • Avoid alcohol. In addition to being terrible for your sinus and exacerbating asthma problems, alcohol is a depressant that can severely affect your mental health.

Florida Ear Nose Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center, located in Orlando, FL, is an otolaryngology and facial plastics practice committed to providing our patients with the highest quality and personal care, as well as most advanced technology by a Harvard trained, double boarded facial plastic and head and neck surgeon.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Health and Wellness Apps Every "Techie" Will Love

There’s no denying that most of us would like to workout more. But between running the kids to school, working, and keeping your house in order, getting to the gym or spending money on pricey in-home equipment isn’t at the top of our to-do list. But it’s the 21st century, which means that regardless of what you want to do — there’s an app for that! Whether in the comfort of your own home, a hotel room, or even in the corner of a gym, these apps will help you eat right and get you up and moving in no time.


With the quick scan of a food label, Edo users can find out exactly what’s in the food they’re buying. But it’s not just people looking to shed a few pounds who can benefit from this app. With an option to see if food is gluten or lactose-free, it’s also great for people with food allergies or restrictions.

My Fitness Pal

Track not only the foods you eat, but the number of daily calories, carbs, and saturated fats (among many other things) you’re getting with the help of My Fitness Pal. You can also log your water and fitness activity throughout the day.


With over 1,300 workouts to choose from, Jefit offers something for everyone. But in addition to their killer workouts and large community of inspiring and encouraging members, Jefit also provides detailed progress reports that compare your month-by-month stats.

The Johnsons & Johnson 7-Minute Workout 

As its name implies, this app provides just seven-minute long, high-intensity workouts — perfect for people who don’t have time to hit the gym. And with a difficulty level that ranges from beginner to advanced, everyone can take advantage of it.

Fitstar Personal Trainer

If you’re looking for a completely customizable workout plan, but don’t have the money to hire a trainer (like most of us) Fitstar Personal Trainer is one of the best options out there. As you work out the app lets you make real time changes to the routine you were given, meaning you can slow it down, repeat exercises, or skip them all together.

Relax Melodies 

After a day of healthy eating, crunches, and squats, it’s time to unwind and take care of your mental health. Relax Melodies lets you choose from a variety of calming sounds, like the rain, wind, and ocean, to help you relax at the end of a long day or to play while you sleep.

If drinking more water, working out, or changing your diet still hasn't improved your asthma or allergies, it may be time to contact the experts at Florida ENT! We provide comprehensive allergy screening exams and offer personalized treatment options just for you. To schedule an appointment, give us a call at 1-877-327-6673 (1-877-EAR-NOSE) today!