
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Goals of Rhinoplasty

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Did you know Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequently performed plastic surgery procedures? Rhinoplasty is a procedure where the nose is reshaped, or reduced, for medical reasons or to improve its appearance. Correcting birth defects, repairing a broken nose, fixing sinusitis or deviated septum, or shaping the nose to your liking are all reasons why patients are opting for rhinoplasty. 

The main goals for rhinoplasty are simple: to improve a patient’s breathing as well as improving their appearance. The surgeon can modify the bone, skin and cartilage to shape the nose to your specification or doctor’s recommendation. 

This could include:
  • Flattening a hump
  • Modifying the bridge
  • Reshaping the tip and nostrils
  • Repairing an injury
  • Opening up breathing passages
  • Increasing/Decreasing size
Rhinoplasty is a short one to two hour surgery that can help fix a lagging breathing issue or make you more confident in your appearance. At Florida Ear Nose Throat, we specialize in this frequently performed procedure  Interested in what rhinoplasty can do for you?  Learn more about rhinoplasty at or call (877) EAR-NOSE to schedule an appointment today!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Florida ENT Allergy Services

Florida Ear Nose Throat
Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Having an allergic reaction is something that is never planned, but more importantly, it may happen to someone who has never had an allergic reaction before. Being unaware of possible allergies could make the first reaction a lot more dangerous. A delayed response time could mean the difference between life and death. Knowing which allergens a person is allergic to can help lower response time in case of a reaction, as well as lowering the frequency in which they occur.

Luckily for us, allergy screening is available to diagnose which allergens we can possibly be allergic to. Blood tests are available to screen the body for antibodies, which are produced in response to allergens entering the body. Skin tests are also available in which a solution of an allergen is placed on the skin and the scratched. The allergen will then enter the body and allow the physician to see if their is an abnormal reaction. Skin tests are more common when trying to diagnose common allergies such as bee venom, latex, specific foods, penicillin, and eczema.

Many people have allergies and must take precautionary measures to avoid specific allergens daily. For those who are unaware of possible allergies, it can be a dangerous road when an allergic reaction happens for the first time.

There is no reason not to get screened for allergies, as it could save your life! For more information on allergy screenings click here or call 877-EAR-NOSE to schedule an appointment.